I have no problem with the Royals, just that awful song
I have no problem with the Royals, just that awful song
As a British citizen who loves his country in most respects, I must say that our national anthem is bloody awful. Not only is it a dirge, sung at a funereal tempo, it has a subject matter that suffers in comparison to other national anthems. Most national anthems fall into one of two groups: either they mean something…
Survival of the Useless: How I became an NFL QB and proved Darwin wrong.
Killing bears is nowhere near as bad as killing defenceless peasants.
The cover-up is always worse than the crime. In this case, as 8n the case of the Catholic Church, the perpetrator is anindividual with urges he is unable or unwilling to control and which are universally considered unacceptable, even criminal, by society. Beyond that, there are rational men-I think it’s usually men-…
But he saved football and made Roger Goodell happen so .... yeah, anyway, ‘bout them jellyfish ...
Ahem ... that’s Tower Bridge in the picture.
There is no way an Eagles fan can tell a grocer’s apostrophe from a capital letter
It’s OK, because this time the plot will be completely different; they will be mining nonexistium or impossibilium or even justfuckingmadeitupium
We have mouth-breathing knuckle-daggers here too.
That he successfully avoided choking on a pretzel?
Sorry. Blame my British education.
Yeah, and Roosevelt was responsible for Pearl Harbour
There you go again, hiding behind facts and logic to make your argument; do you understand nothing! Trump is best because of reasons.
A fair summing up from a casual observer. Add that the ‘pitchers mound’ and ‘2nd base’ are the same thing and they switch ends every six balls and that’s pretty much it in general. It takes a little while to understand the basics and a lifetime to grasp all of the nuances - much like baseball.