
This episode was pretty gory if he likes that stuff. It's not girly (though that the protagonist is female may give it that appearance). It's male dominated though and there's definitely more violence coming up (there has been in every past episodes but not like this).

I just replied to LadyTheirin with more details about how the site works if you want to read that, but try Project Free TV it's pretty straightforward :) here's a link to their page with all the current Outlander episodes if you want to try it.…

I watch it from my laptops using ProjectFreeTV. It's basically a gateway multiple free links (choose which ones work best for your computer) to watch stuff, it doesn't own any of it. Just close out of anything that pops up asking you to sign up for anything, you don't need to give up any information just hit main play

That cat needs to be taken to the vet immediately 8/ for all you guys know he could be bleeding internally. Yes the bone could heal on it's own, but without a doctor it may not heal correctly depending on whats broken. And that sounds very painful without any pain meds to help him though :( you guys should really take

This gif is amazing!

You are a visionary... *drools*

You know I felt kinda alienated by you after the fruit rankings (where mangoes was MISplaced on that list was almost unforgivable!) <\3

They won't hurt you but most medicines will lose a lot of their effectiveness after a certain point. I imagine 20 year old ibuprofen would be like taking a placebo.

Related: I use the float method on my eggs :) BAD eggs will float in a bowl of cold water, GOOD eggs will sink to the bottom to bottom of one completely, and eggs that need to be used in the next day or two will touch the bottom, but just barely, kind of "sitting up" underwater.

Aww danggit; well sorry I couldn't be more helpful :P

My dream dress is $3000 haha :P

You sound just like me 6 months ago. I couldn't get a tampon in either and had never masterbated.

Awww poor guy! <\3 (the 8 year old). And yeah... Teenagers :3 not my cup of tea. I was always really good friends with my high school teachers, rarely ny classmates. Because they were icky...

THIS. I hate teenagers >_> high school the WORST time in my life.

Omg you just discribed my (dream baby)! >_> That beautiful child better stay far away from me!

I'm not even old enough to drink legally yet, I can't even use alcohol as a possible solution (I'm too much of a goody goody to take more than one sip).

I'll try haha, I'm really young, none of my friends have a kid yet. I'm so messed up haha >_< crying doesn't phase me (even on planes) and my little sisters dog was deranged and loved making wall art with her poo, I often cleaned it up so I'm used to it now.

I think it's been removed; I clicked the link where it's supposed to be to copy/paste it to you, and it just loads as "Kinja error 404" now.

Hello all :)

I don't have any sites to suggest but as someone who was also sexually abused as a child and overcame my fear of sex that you are incredibly kind to be helping your friend. How I normalized sex was not in a way I recommend haha. I was meeting my online (now live in) bf for the first time (he visited my state for 10