
This reminds me of that crewmen who was killed on the Dark Night set :/

Legit question over here.
Are we all assuming that generic will be as effective as name brand? Does anyone have any information on that?

I'm not a millennial (I was born in '94) but I left my church recently for that :/ I'm not sure I'll ever go back, even to a more tolerant congregation

So wait, I think I read too fast (I'm also on painkiller rn). It's only illegal to abort FEMALE fetus' in S Dakota??? Is that what this means???
I'm scared, and I'm already born.

As a newly NOT single person (I refuse to give OKC full credit on this- I don't have concrete beliefs at this point in my life but I'm gonna say fate had a good hand) I think this is one of the best articles on being single I've read in a really long time. Most seem to pick an extreme "Being Single Sucks" "How To Make

I have a question about that last part if anyone can enlighten me? What's the deal with controversy over getting cord blood for stem cell research, I mean why would that upset people? The cord would just be going in the trash otherwise and instead it could help people? Or maybe I'm just ignorant, it sounds good on

I have used a Darth Vadar meme three times today. My boyfriend, completely unaware if this, purchased both of us matching Darth Vadar shirts with glow in the dark light sabers on them tonight.
Please Disney. Please pull through. For the Star Wars junkies!

Holy crap, is your profile pic Kirk??? I'm mobile so I can barely see it but if so awkward low five

I always laugh when I think about that. Mostly because I know that and I don't give a crap about sports. But despite the lack of caring, I do do a little eye roll when I hear people complain that Sports Illustrated is the bane of any women who doesn't want to be held up to skinny female standard. That's not what the

If this doesn't do it for you I invite you to download the Meme Factory app (free). You can whip one up in like 2 seconds.

OMG omg, I have one... How do you share moving memes on this thing??

Hahaha! Awww that's adorable! XD

But I... I like oysters :3


Agreed. I met my bf on there when he messaged me knowing full well he's an inch shorter than me, and would appear even shorter because of my moderately sized Afro that I refuse to straighten for anyone. I didn't mind at all, and an inch difference doesn't really register to most people (you can't see over the shorter

Agreed. I met my bf on there when he messaged me knowing full well he's an inch shorter than me, and would appear even shorter because of my moderately sized Afro that I refuse to straighten for anyone. I didn't mind at all, and an inch difference doesn't really register to most people (you can't see over the shorter

It is rough out there but you can make it, somehow. I got tons of "traffic" but only two or three a week would have the balls to message me or even MESSAGE BACK (that's right... I sent more messages than I received...). Just when it seemed like I was the most undesired 19 year old African American women OKC finally