
*sigh*. Yes, I understand the Sui generis status that the islands and the Uk as a whole claim for them. It’s bullshit, plain and Simple No one recognizes them as a separate sovereign entity, no one. (And no, the EU accommodation doesn’t count, any more than the status of a French overseas department like St. Miquelon

But not like the Cayman Islands b/c that’s independent. The channel islands aren’t.

Guernsey is absolutely part of the U.K. It’s a weird Brotish fetish to deny the Channel Islands, but ask yourself: what nation state are the citizens of Jersey, Guernsey, he'll , Sark a part of if not the UK?

“held them” means arresting.

“With ... Approval”. So, no requirement.

There is absolutely no such law.

“matchbox sign”

"send him to the hospital"? Oisin drove himself. Diagnosis? swollen lip.

No don't. The cheaty method is to reduce the mass of the wheels, to reduce the inertia.

That will come as a surprise to the shareholders. Ryanair is a publicly traded company; it is owned by its shareholders, and Mr. O'Leary does not have a majority of those shares. He runs it, he doesn't own it.

The math is right: most countries use a comma, not a period, to designate that the following numbers are fractions of a whole.

Who told you Robins aren't street-legal? There are no FMVSS or EPA requirements for import of cars more than 25 years old. Moreover, I know of no state where a Robin of that vintage couldn't be registered.

"Legally obligated" is perfectly good usage; contract law is private law, but it's still law.

But, in practice, they're not exempted for the large majority of people. For interstate commerce, you need a CITES certificate, which, in turn requires (per Fish and Wildlife) "Sellers of antiques in interstate commerce must prove through documented evidence that items qualify as bona fide antiques." Good luck

But ....

This kid needs to be in a penitentiary.

Couple things: the idea that because these cars are are now more than 25 years old, that they somehow became legal is absolute fantasy. The age of the car now is absolutely irrelevant: if the car was imported illegaly, it never becomes legal. Never. The 25 year rule applies at the time of import into the US.

Ummm ... no.


A lot safer than a motorcycle, at least.