
Has Guerrilla Games talked about the variety of content found in Horizon. This game initially showed off well, but then I remember this game is Open World. Is there anything else to do besides hunt robot dinosaurs?

Merchandise Rains From Above!

Jeez this again. As a former GamerGate participant, it’s sad to see the movement continue in this way. I know you claim that GamerGate is behind this, but this is a link from “/r/pcmasterrace”?. I do understand why you would not want to link the site, totally understandable.
While I did find a link on the main public

I abandoned the Anime a long time ago, but the Manga continues to be good. There are weak parts to the story, but recently it has stared to get really good again(No Spoilers).

Wait, “Project Giant Robot” is still on there. I wonder what going on with that game. We have not heard anything about it since E3 2014, so maybe it will get a second lease on life on the NX or will they announce what they are doing with it this year at E3.

Is it sad that I chuckled at what he said? It’s funny that this would have never happened on any other Fox News show.

WB and Netherrealm, fix the PC port. Abandoning the PC is totally unexceptionable. You promise better PC ports with Linux support and just drop it because it’s “Too Hard”.

That also Includes chapter 3 and the Kojima Director’s cut

Don’t forget about PS4 Brak Friday Bundlu

It nice to see games that don’ take themselves seriously :)

Looks Good, could be interesting. I like the new character designs.

Who is going to use it? No one takes there amibos out of their boxes.

I like that Blizzard is trying to fix the randomness of the meta for Hearthstone, but I feel like they should just buff/nerf some cards/deck combos. I just don’t want this game to turn into the Next Modern Yu-Gi-Oh, where every couple of months the meta changes, “The Blue Eyes is a god in this meta, nope anymore now

Who knows what going on at Valve anyway. From what knowledge I know, Bad Robot and Valve are working on a new IP. Plus, Bad Robot and Valve worked together to create a new game-mode for Team Fortress 2(Source:…) . Whatever those studios are working on, its going to take “Valve

These look so cool, now all we need is the Original Overwatch and we are all good to go.

From what I played, there is none of that. I do have to say the combat surprised me. But while the combat is good, I don’t see what the long term goal for this game. I think if they go the TF2 route and do cosmetics(like it looks here) then I will pass on this game. And now that It looks like a Buy to play title with

You would be surprised how “Modding Tools”can affect sales of a PC game.

Looks like my perdictions are coming true! :)

Coming from the guy who had Raiden run around nude. Would you rather have had her nude?