
Soviet-style unifished building has its charm...

Tower Bridge, definitely. You can see the tower of London at the left of the drawing.

Only one thing can possibly complement this : truck tire flower planter!

I agree. I kind of knew about the twist from the trailer and a colleague of mine who didn't get anything else from the movie but the twist (he said, it's a movie about a guy on the moon and [twist revealed]). I was pretty upset first but realised the twist wasn't meant to be the major feature of the movie, only part

Right. If baldness occurs after they reproduce there's no natural selection on that trait.

I think you're right. It is not because something is possible (as in the opposite of impossible) that it will happen.

Where did the atlantic ocean go? It's a fish tank, water bodies should be well represented, shouldn't they? And can fish reach the artic ocean? It seems tight, especially for those big-headed black fish. Maybe it was meant to keep fish challenged...

"Now in a world with C-section, both the genes of the women with too narrow hips and the genes of the babies with too large heads [...] aren't prevented from spreading as natural selection can't do its job."

In one of yesterday article, being fat made you have less intelligent kids. So if you add this new study, we can say that "Your alarm clock makes your kids dumb". Damn it! I'm throwing mine through the window (alarm clock 'course).

"Correlation is not causation": you're completely right. A lot of medical studies only determine correlation between 2 factors without clearly showing a causal relationship (though I didn't read the article). Plus, intelligence is a very subjective notion.

... [sorry for the double post]

Don't we usually call that research?

Try cutting from the side, it works even better.

"[the toxin] is one of the most common allergies in humans" - the right word to use here is "allergen".

I think there are two reasons: in some sports the element of being unusual (like leftie) can be an asset to fool your oponent (lefties know how to play vs. a righty but not the opposite). Think tennis: In a near future, lefties will be the norm. The righties will have the advantage...

I have one too. I would hate to pay $5.00/mo for the same feature with my land line provider.

Wrong. From the nature paper: "...bioengineered pelage follicle germ was reconstituted with E18 mouse embryonic back skin [...] cells." - in plain english they transplanted stem cells from mouse embryos into adult mice.

MS: common denominator of all computer plagues.

They should call this new feature "The Facebook"....

"42% of Canadians waited 2 hours or more in the emergency room, vs. 29% in the U.S." You're right about that (I waited once 4h and I heard about waaaayyyy longer waiting times). But the thing is that 100% of Canadians could tell you about that, whereas how many people in the US even bother going to the emergency? A