
I landed in Frankfurt germany last week and it was really windy too. It took the pilot two attempts to land (first one aborted during approach), and we could feel strong lateral winds before touching down, but the landing itself was super smooth. The scariest (or bumpiest) part was too go through the cloud cover

It looks more like a sock puppet than an next-gen toy robot to me.

What they didn't say: control systems will run under DOS...

It depends what you click on to access the article: click on the image (the video thumbnail) and the video will autoplay on the target page. Click the headline text and it won't. That's my experience on Safari and Chrome.

Good point jesustero (I would promote if I could ;-)

I Agree. This is why the word "shown" should be (and is) used instead of "proved". Things can be "shown" to be true, then, later to be false. It is a side effect of the empirical method and the fact that it depends on an experimental settup, that often depends itself on technology and.... on human beings. Science goes

There is a lot of redundancy. For instance, why would you ban "ass" as well as "ass clown" (w/e this can be).

Uninstall flash - Then realize what this wonderful technology is really used for: Display ads. There are 3 on this very page and they use 3 times the area used by the actual article.

Hmmm Nazis. I'm afraid that's know, the war when the US were attacked in one city 2000 miles from their mainland and they freaked out so much that they finally decided to get involved.

I personally hate cash in general, mostly because it's highly unconvenient, but I really don't see the problem with $1 coins (we have $2 coins here up north. And THEY're big!), I actually like them.

Wait, wait, is it my dear ipod mini, the one I lost in 2005? oh no, it's Lumia800....(kidding, I really like the overall design)

I'm sure the guy planned for months finding a CNN camera to set his evil plan in action and get rich.

I think the sequence of events is not so random - Imagine: I'm going to switch off my ipad2. For any reason I am interrupted so I close the cover. I come back later to my ipad and now want to use it. Open the cover. Cancel. Voila!

I see that lady in my neighborhood once in a while she always seems to have a deep conversation with herself. I got it now, she was just practicing her siri, so cool!

....and samsung is working on a version "of their own"

Well, THIS is something. Congrats to the artist it belongs in a museum!

LC630 (circa 1994)

I don't really want to go into the Apple vs the world thing but "How many ways can a square icon differentiate itself?" : I think the answer is many (like infinite many). And that's pretty important. Don't your recognize a PDF icon from a MS word icon from the itunes icon in 0.03 seconds? Or a MacOS from a W7 folder

See the big square light source facing the board? It's there to erase the shadow that may have been created by the spotlight. One good evidence for that is that the checkboard itself doesn't cast a shadow on its side opposite to the spotlight (0:26 at the right, close to the feet of the tripod). It's just nicely

Let's face it, the original idea of getting the Is Land to burning man is pretty [yawn!] weak. The outrageous jackasses made the whole thing a conceptual art happening (+ brought global coverage). I mean.... can you freaking imagine the thing being found over Nevada!!