Zuze Tree Fiddy


Has he given you any reason to believe he's not still in a relationship with this woman? Has he followed through on any of the things he said he would do to assure you that his marriage is over? I'm sorry that this is happening to you, but from what you wrote it seems pretty clear this this guy is a manipulator who is

I agree with candleflame - you have to shut that shit down. There's no reason on earth for you to put up with that.

Your mother is abusive and I suspect a full-blown narcissist. You don't have to put up with that. You have the option to drastically reduce your contact with her or have no contact at all.

Ex-boyfriends are the worst.

Thank you for submitting this, but it's not quite what we're looking for. ;P

Hey everyone, I just got my first collection of short stories, Partly Gone, published in mid-June. If any of you is a fan of short stories, please check it out. The collection was published through Unsolicited Press.…

A slap here, a belt there, and a little bit of chest impaling in the end? Sounds like abuse.

If you think driving a PVC pipe into a kid's chest is something your parents would do, and normal, I urge you to discuss this with someone.

Really? I don't think it's sexual. That just seems like an odd way to view the dance? I don't really know which move you mean. There is this disturbing tendency to associate dance movement with their origins in African dance with SEX in the west. It has been going on for 100 years or more.

It's a lot like saying

I agree but I have to say that the boys are givin' it their sexy as well! :) They're fantastic dancers though, a bit Jackson 5-ish (hopefully minus the creepy dad)

Oh my god, the little one in the pink dress and the striped onesie.

Jessica Simpson post is going up shortly, stay tuned.

a delightful ginger man who has been added to my harem within the last year.

You can get surgery for that now. They do it a lot in Korea.

I'm moving back to my home state because Vermont wasn't working out. It isn't very far and I'll be able to spend more time with good friends and family. The tech startup is work from anywhere, and the Alumni job is very close to were I'd like to be.

I'd go back without them. If you've been there before and they know you, and know you aren't a jerk customer I think they would understand one fluke idiot. They sound like smart people at the restaurant and wouldn't judge you for coming in one time with someone who was a jerk.

Ugh, I've been there… My best friend in the city has a friend who says all sorts of sexist shit and it's just the worst.

No its not the issue, you are right. I was simply asking a question and offering my opinion on an article that is about a woman who has posted a picture of her young child in her underwear.