Zuze Tree Fiddy

Hence the irresponsible part of my post.

It must be embarrassing to her that with all the resources she has available to her she could not take 5 minutes of her time to read the article and actually study what she was defending. She is the biggest idiot of them all.

Yes they take me to a silly page where I have tried scrolling around looking for said topic to no avail.

People even say it in CANADA! A lot of the black people in Canada are Afro-Caribbean, too, not African-American.

Does that make it not racist?

Please go the the nearest Sears. Don't deal with the call center, they are robotic. In Canada we have Wind Mobile for cellphones. Each time you call their call center in Egypt you are left with a dire need to walk into busy traffic. All they do is apologize and offer no resolution, "I am sorry, I apologize" over and

Uuuuuummmmmm please look up Welder positions in Alberta Canada!!!! There is bucketloads of money to be made in trade positions. It depends on where you live and industries close by. Long live trades.

A rugby player once said "chicks dig scars, but put a little peanut butter on your dick to make a dog's day"

I know I am late to the party, so this may go unseen. BUT DID ANYONE SEE ONCE UPON A TIME?! I am completely addicted to this show, and I simply do not care if some people disagree with me on this, it is amazing. BUT BUT BUT!! DID YOU SEE THE SPOILERY THING THAT MAKES ME SAD LIKE THE SADDEST PANDA?! I am losing my

I know this is late and probably no one will see this, but: what ever happened to that stoner movie Natalie Portman was supposed to do? I'm assuming it's off, due to her having the baby and moving to Paris etc, but.. wtf? I was actually really excited to hear about it at the time and was looking forward to it. Not

Today I told my Mom that I forgive her. It's been something I've been wanting to say to her for a long time but haven't worked up the nerve to say. She was gone into her deep depression for so many years when I was a kid. I hated her for so long. But I don't anymore. She apologized to me this May for my childhood

I feel you on the ex thing. I'm married to my awesome husband and we just had an awesome baby, but I ran into my very-serious-first-love over thanksgiving and got hit with so many feels. But if you love someone, do you ever really stop?

Christmas in Canada, yo.

Tis what happens when you listen to greatness without protection. Kids, never forget to keep your ear buds wrapped!

Do you wear a medical alert bracelet?

Never been to a super bowl, but based on other events I have been to...the parking lot will be filled with large, expensive tents. In these tends will be much free alcohol and many shrimp-based hors d'oeuvres for those the NFL sees fit to ply with alcohol and hors d'oeuvres. You are not invited.

"Oh my gosh, it's Josh, my phone's either off or I'm gettin' sauced. Leave a message at the beep."

You know, Gawker Media isn't an English Comp class where your opinion on the writing itself — as opposed to the topic itself — is welcome, let alone getting paid for.

Jokey tone aside, I'm sick as fucking shit of commenters who think they need to give a performance review to everything they read. Don't like it? Then do

SO, SEATTLE PEOPLE. Real question, because I dunno who/where else to ask.