
I got a kick out of HG's Lara Croft outfit. She determined that the outfit she wore was contemporary archaeoligists garb...

@zslane: Guys are into Katherine not because she is bad but because of the skinny jeans...maybe you have to be a bad girl to wear those...

I found the article much to unspecific, espeacially with dates. Some vague reference to Bolivia's historical tradtion was misinformation.

@David Roden: Was she intelligent and resourceful? She seemed very ordinary to me. An ordinary person put into unusual circumstances. The ordinary is what makes her relatable and our heroine. I kept hoping she do something spectacular, but whenever she did she had a god standing behind her.

@enderwiggin13: True, it did make Yeine central and strengthen her character. Yet I can't help noticing that Yeine seems to resemble the aqutrhor a little too much, and her elevation to godhood makes the author seem a little egomaniacal. Thus the story is about Yeine and is very selfish.

Enjoyed it. It also read very casually, unlike Mieville's The City and The City.

@vr6john: The script writer for ALien claimed he stole everything from everyon, those were just three examples. The fact that Pitch Black is derivativ of Alien is the point here. Alien(s) is just as derivative is the second point. Never even mentioned Vin Diesel - he doesn't equal Sigourney in the first three Alien

@vr6john: Seriously? Aliens is a sequel...derivative...also from Wiki: "In writing the script O'Bannon drew inspiration from many previous works of science fiction and horror. He later stated that "I didn't steal Alien from anybody. I stole it from everybody!""

@Mary Ratliff: I would have listed Chronicles of Riddick, but I didn't want to be that lonely...

@vr6john: Everything in science fiction is derivative.

@mac_daddy: I understand what you are saying, but Emmerich did work on Stargate, the 13th floor, and of course Independence Day which I consider more homage than Hacktion. I simply enjoy it.

All we have learned is that 25 sci-fi movies isn't enough. Yeah I could add 10 more definites, and I might drop Robocop (sorry) and Primer. Eternal Sunshine put me to sleep and someone suggested a Clockwork Orange (hated it). Terminator may have won out over Terminator 2 for me.

Well casting seems to be luck of the draw. I think they did a good job casting Andromeda; it was the scripts the loss of Rev Bem and whatever caused the mutilation of the show after Season 2 that needed fixing. I honeslty think the cast was fantastic and the fault was outside their control. I felt Sorbo was just

Yes a really fun episode. I enjoyed it certainly, but several characters got too little or no face time. This was all about the big four.

He Is Legend: An Anthology Celebrating Richard Matheson

They have discovered gas giants much larger than jupiter. The Super Earth at the core of such giants would have to be immense...

Every time someone says something negative about this film, or claims not to understand it, the more niche it becomes to me. Best yet, that's a niche I am very comfortable in. This movie is for us who get it; yeah I Micheal Cera makes me laugh...

Chernobyl wasn't all bad it seems.

Works for me. I want the updated original series and hell I'm one of the few who enjoys all six movies (hell why not remaster the Ewok movies and throw them in too?). I wouldn't mind a version with Jar Jar editted out though.

@marbles: It seems the live action Star Wars TV series is currently too expensive...