
The critical information missing from your initial post was “it feels good,” not the fact that you were raped as a child. But thanks for using Ford’s comments as an excuse to discuss your kinks and their origins in detail.

It’s a trope that doesn’t exist in China. New story idea: Americans recognize that their viewpoint and their needs are not always the priority.

Damon’s comments are stupid, but I’m far more disturbed by the people being so dismissive of the greatest living Chinese filmmaker (a man whose 20s were spent as a victim of the Cultural Revolution) wanting to make a crossover hit. The utter absurdity of arguing that Zhang Yimou hasn’t done enough representation of

In no particular order: (1) Holocaust survivor whose wife was murdered by Manson Family; (2) Rape happened in the boundariless 70s, when all sorts of people were getting away with creepy shit, so an element of not casting the first stone; (3) the trial judge really did behave inappropriately (but not unlawfully) going

Jesus. Why bother with penetrative sex if it bothers you that much? I’m an ass-play evangelist because it gives pleasure, not because I want the guy to feel invaded. If my partner responded the way you describe, I’d say “let’s find a different way to give pleasure.” Someone who needs to experience a similar level of

If I sit on your dick wrong I’ll snap that shit like a toothpick.

He’s trying to offer a lady-pleasing explanation for comments he made the last time he was interviewed by GQ and he propositioned the straight guy writer with the suggestion that every straight guy should be penetrated at least once. His obvious motivation that time being to score some ass, not teach the guy something

You are a bad commenter and a bad viewer of football.

Most of my cohort is obsessed with shows like Pretty Little Liars.

Thanks. :)

Expand, please. I know nothing about Search Party and I’m mystified by how much pleasure people take in treating tv shows like puzzles where they’re going to win a prize if they figure it out before the onscreen reveal. (And I’ll never stop laughing at True Detective fans. Never!)

In a more sensible world, the fact that Affleck’s behavior occurred (1) relatively recently, (2) in the workplace, (3) where he was the boss, would carry far more weight towards punishment within his industry than what Nate Parker did back in college. Unfortunately we don’t live in that world and this is the

Oh shush. I was happy to see Shade Court on a holiday weekend, I’ll take it with typos.

I feel like this story is missing a few steps.

You don’t get to be in that room by being the type of person who says “Go fuck yourself, asshole” to the people in charge.

I think the sad point would be that Trump is unlikely to be a supportive parent of an autistic child. Not sure how you skipped over that to AWARENESS!!!

I assume that the poster put a time mark on that youtube video to draw attention to a specific remark, but some glitch has prevented it from transmitting to me and all I got was a 19 minute interview with John Taylor. So whatever the intended joke was happened in an entirely different ballpark and I was left with my

I honestly thought Rich explained it pretty clearly in the piece and am surprised by the number of people who’ve needed it spelled out further. If you still don’t get it, I’m not sure what to say.

It’s taking so much energy for me to refrain from typing in all caps right now, I might need a nap. Ahem. Thank you for posting that link. It was a wise response.