
To be fair, this is our brand:

I don’t know what Rich knows, I just know how this reads and it doesn’t read like Rich buys this guy is “not gay.” I also think that identifying as an “ally” necessarily signals “straight” and Falahee’s unwillingness to say he’s straight, or bi, or queer, or anything else really does read as typical Hollywood weasel

Do you think there’s nothing wrong with the tweets if the man is, in fact, gay? If he identifies as gay in his private life and goes through this song and dance in public, can you maybe see a problem with it? I agree that there’s nothing wrong with the statement taken at face value and I think the “my [ambiguous]

I’ve seen your vacation pics from Spain, bro.

I’m genuinely cracking up that you can’t tell the difference between “you sound like ____” and “you are ____.”

As long as you SMILE while backing away!

Yeah, I don’t think anyone with a modicum of intelligence would think that I was offering a direct quote there. I’m not easily butthurt; you’re just being self-absorbed. I understand that you’re genuinely freaked out about Obamacare being rolled back and losing access to the treatments you get through Rhode Island’s

I’m also a member of one (actually 3) of those traditionally disenfranchised groups

Ummmm... fuck her?

White guilt is a tool of white supremacy, it’s there to distract you and give you easy excuses about how it isn’t really your fault. Replace white guilt with human anger at injustice.

You are part of the problem if you think that exercising your right to project your precise mood is definitively more important than acknowledging the humanity of the traditionally disenfranchised through simple signals like friendly eye contact/nod/smile.

When this is reported on, white people feel threatened.

I don’t buy that. Yes, there was a great deal of sexism but I don’t think it was the deciding factor. I’ve pretty much kept my mouth shut out of respect for all the women who saw Hillary as their champion (and are now having the Oberyn Martell is super dead moment), but it’s a serious mistake to take Hillary’s defeat

In keeping with my point, I’ll call attention to this sentence at that link (emphasis added):

How about we expect more out of those motherfuckers

Those are the healthiest of poops.

Thank you for asking. I have a 11/8 poop story that is the equivalent of 9/11 “the sky was so blue that day.” I woke up at 4:40 am, drank a cup of tea and ate a bowl of Raisin Bran. I was hoping to poop prior to leaving for the polls at approximately 5:40 but did not feel optimistic as it was so damn early. I thought

Only 5% of proceeds on those shirts goes to PP and if they’re charging $30 for a tshirt I damn well expect it to be union made, and there’s no indication that it is.

Why did it take a white woman on the ticket in order for so many white Democrats to register a fact that has been true for 50 years? I’m fucking serious. Instead of fussing over all those other white people who voted for Trump, maybe this is a good moment for self-reflection. If it surprises you that a majority of

Not coincidentally, a devout Roman Catholic.