
It took me 15 years to accept that I was never going off the meds. As hard as I fought it, it was quite liberating in that moment — I’m not going to apologize for needing this.

That scene ruined the franchise for me. I couldn’t even with the reboot. It is a tribute to Tom Holland’s charm and skill that I will ever see another Spiderman movie.

I’m trying to imagine your hypothetical world where an aspiring actress doesn’t know about Weinstein, but Rose McGowan is in a position to change that. It’s not easy.

Because anyone remotely paying attention can narrow down who she’s talking about to two people?

Not to be persnickety, but “accessory after the fact” is a real thing, and it tends to pull in people who would not sign up for the original crime but do aid the criminal after the fact for other reasons.

Big 12 realignment is like watching Santa set up the reindeer in centipede porn.

Gen X definitely saw Hilary Clinton that way (at least on the left).

Now playing

Depends on how you feel about a woman coming to terms with the fact that maybe she is the problem.

Manny Pacquiao is banned from The Grove because he can’t stop saying hateful things in public about gay people.

Doctors are frequently pretty stupid about things outside of their immediate specialty.

And it would be extremely important to me that my biological offspring not be implanted into and raised by the sort of woman who responds to infertility in that way. I could pretend to be sorry that my opinion will be offensive to some women, but I’m not sorry, I think they should back the fuck off when I’m talking

The fetuses could be transplanted into willing hosts

I miss Molly Ivins.

Speaking of Jesus, I feel like Catholicism isn’t getting its fair share of the credit here. This guy basically followed the playbook of predator priests and I’d bet he’s sold his wife on the idea that the teenager seduced him and that he succumbed to peer pressure. He’s the good man, trying to do the right thing and

I have questions about pants. Are those four separate pairs of pants? What material are they made out of? Are they as comfortable as they look?

Irrelevance touched him prior to the snap.

I’m usually ok with my perma-grey status, but this one hurts, man. It really hurts. Thank you for seeing me.

And that top she’s wearing is super cute.

I’m surprised Shailene Woodley is the sort to wear that much eye makeup to a protest.

I know you mean well, but you’re missing a lot. Better access to mental health care and better education are both independently great ideas. But they are not things that would spare hundreds of thousands of people from long prison sentences.