
:( I didn’t think the story is incomprehensible :|

When did you play it? Years ago when you were younger or recently?

8’s my favorite if only because it was my first FF. Despite its flaws, I still enjoy it. I’m kinda glad 13 exists so people can stop hating on 8.

There’s so many good things about VIII that are often overlooked.. I think I’m almost alone on this, but I LOVED the junction/abilities/G.F. system, the drawing of magic could be improved though.

Hate the style, but anything FFVIII is fine by me - you know, because it’s the best Final Fantasy game.

Yeah, okay, I’m thinking about it...

I can’t possibly imagine why people have a hard time getting into these “events.”

May I just say WM31 went above and beyond any exception I had for the event?

- The Uppercats retain in an amazing tag match (missed it, but gana rewatch it later)

Now playing

New Vegas is one of my favorites, easily over 1000 hours logged on that one, but boy didnyou know you were in for a ride when Doc's head started spinning around right at the very beginning.

Ironically, that sentence was grammatically less appalling than your comment.

No, no, no—eggs, specifically of the omelet kind, are simply a vehicle for cheese to move from the plate into my mouth. bacon is just icing on the proverbial cake.

Yeah, it's pretty obvious they did this so that they could later reveal it. If they actually thought someone might be able to find this on accident they're crazy. Not unless they also hid some clues somewhere about what to do and nobody's found those yet either.

This is ridiculous. How was this supposed to be discovered in the first place WITHOUT the leak?

What did you think happened to racing chocobos in FFVII when they broke a leg?

Jeff Minter is a hero of indie dev and I hope he comes out well. Respect for him going public with this. I wonder what would happen if he ignored their protestations and went ahead with it anyway?

Just got the weirdest sense of deja vu. Creepy.

So when is Wreck it Ralph 2?

Ignoring that Type-0 got pretty excellent reviews on its original release, and is by all accounts a great RPG in its own right...

Reigns vs. Bryan at Fast Lane didn't show potential. It showed that Daniel Bryan is a ridiculously skilled worker who can call a match and knows how to bring the best out of everyone he faces. The guy was able to pull a decent match out of Ryback for crying out loud.