What a great article about how someone can have a variety of complex, nuanced—and, most importantly—evolving viewpoints about not just a divisive topic, but all the sexist/misogynistic baggage around that character. Thank you for writing this.
What a great article about how someone can have a variety of complex, nuanced—and, most importantly—evolving viewpoints about not just a divisive topic, but all the sexist/misogynistic baggage around that character. Thank you for writing this.
People are going to be pissed when they find out the thing in Erin’s basement was the friends they made along the way.
Waffle_cop...my arch-nemesis...
It’s just like the Father Guido Sarducci routine - “You provide the tea bag and hot water, and Mr. Tea does the rest!”
I understand your point, but a lot of that (similar/identical criticism not being leveled at Activision and their COD studios) comes from COD having been one of the most performant games on every platform for over a decade now. Bethesda catches a unique amount of flak because their games are notoriously the buggiest…
People complained about CoD’s engine ALL THE TIME towards the end of the 360 generation. I think those complaints fell away mainly because the kind of people who care about new and exciting games realized that the CoD yearly treadmill was the gaming equivalent of McDonald’s hamburgers and gave up on them improving in…
and why is the film’s climax MBJ’s character losing a fight?
When pigs fly.
Does Bethesda not know how people play Fallout/Elder Scrolls games?
Why was the backlash so severe? Lets do the math. . .
The answer is simple, really. The marketing firm my company worked with did a post-mortum analysis of the blunder and present a simple analysis:
Wow, a whole department actually uses .45 GAP? That Glock sales person deserves an award for getting someone to swallow that load of crap.
Mother fu*$#r. I can’t even.
Here’s a silly one, that is literally a mantra for everytime I leave the house. “Wallet, phone, keys”. Seriously, I will forget that shit. LOL. It also reminds me to bring anything else I need.
In case anyone new to the sport is wondering how to pronounce “recce”, it’s REK-ee
(abbv of reconnaissance :)
The giant omnic butler’s name is Bob.
Volvo is the answer. Mature, safe, practical, yet still fun, svelte, and punchy for when you want to have fun. Comes with lots of power, tech, AWD, and the interiors are fairly dog-proof (coming from experience with my pitties).
Friendly reminder that Nier Automata is outstanding.
out here tryna finish at least one of the major endings of nier auto tomato
Former President Doesn’t Get It; Wet Behind The Ears Child Blogger Gets Everything