
I really, deeply and truly, want this game to be good, to set milestones, to be wonderful and clever and brave and sad and true and all the little things that made the first game incredible, but the level of grit and grime prevalent in reviews and previews makes me feel like this isn’t a game I can stomach right now.

Nichijou is incredible, but I could never recommend it to someone in good faith that might not necessarily be down for “Looney Tunes with high school girls and deep cut cultural jokes and tropes.” Oremonogatari is a good pick, but also is heavily reliant on Japanese high school rom-com tropes and the mild subversion

The minute to minute gameplay may be fine, but the story is what people are here for, and if even half of what’s revealed is in the final cut, divisive might be the only polite way to describe how people will feel about this game by the time the credits roll.

I’ve got one of their Tokarev clones, the 213 in 9mm. It’s a no-frills sweet shooting SA pistol, but the aftermarket import required safety nearly ruins it for how useless it is.

That’s pretty interesting. Does he retain creative control over the releases or something, since it’s his name on the product?

That’s actually a good question, and one I suspect comes down to a mixture of the necessary angle to achieve the scan radius they need for intended function and not wanting to raise the entire roofline of the vehicle to accomodate the unit. A complete roofline rework to accomodate this tech would be a lot more

Wainwright is my favorite quest-giver from 3 thus far. I love his deadpan delivery and distinctive drawl. I can totally see why Hammerlock loves him so much.

Without wishing to spoil, not really. The legacy mechanic mostly serves the game in the same way Risk Legacy does, which is to say creating an end game for you to enjoy that’s unique to your group’s playthrough and choices after the legacy aspect is completed.

Without wishing to spoil, not really. The legacy mechanic mostly serves the game in the same way Risk Legacy does,

You’re right, and you should say it.

You’re right, and you should say it.

The best cheap wireless I’ve come across is the Velocifire TKL. It uses Outemu switches as opposed to the Cherry MX found in higher end mechs, but it’s a reliable board, with my only major gripe being an unreliable and hard to decipher charge LED. If you’re looking for something higher end, Corsair’s K63 is hard to

The best cheap wireless I’ve come across is the Velocifire TKL. It uses Outemu switches as opposed to the Cherry MX

I just found a shed skin belonging to a specimen roughly 6 foot long in my backyard earlier today. I pray I don’t see it in my house.

That’s fair. 

Insofar as they’ve usually been trying to make Battlefield, yes. This sounds like something even more grounded, like Arma or one of the later Medal of Honor titles. It’ll be interesting to see how the community at large reacts to this, being used to older CoD’s relatively high speed and movement meta allowing for

It’s extremely encouraging to know that one of my favorite studios is trying so hard to protect their employees from burnout. They have a fantastically talented blend of writers, programmers, artists, and musicians, and with these policies in place, we can hopefully get to enjoy their output for years to come.

She always struck me as someone a bit desperate to feel some progress in her relationship. They’d been together five years, but hadn’t moved in together, hadn’t even discussed marriage seriously, and were just slam buddies who hung out regularly, and her own poor decisions were out of fear of being stuck in a nebulous

I’ve got at least two kicking around in mixed hardware boxes around here. Heck of a player. Long battery, good interface, good build quality.

I’ve got at least two kicking around in mixed hardware boxes around here. Heck of a player. Long battery, good

Because 2900 is filthy cheap for Swedish luxury. I'd be calling the guy right now if I had the cash to hand and some way of picking it up.

Cheaper. ARs can be had new in box for around 500. Not a particularly high grade model, but it’ll put 5.56x45 down range as well as most of them. I keep coming back around to the idea that we do need a national FOID, even with it creating a national gun registry, because the alternative is red flag laws, an

It’s reasonably fun as a survival game, with some impressive lighting elevating it visually above 4, and the new crafting mechanics are much better balanced than in 4. The gunplay is better than ever, and item degradation affects armor, weapons, and stored food, so using resources smartly is much more important than

Even as someone who loves 2k4, this definitely looks and plays much closer to TF than 2k4 or Halo. ADS, wall-running, and slides are all almost directly lifted from TF. Maybe modded 2k4, but definitely not vanilla.