
As someone who owns the game, let me say: you’re going to have to house rule the hell out of this to make it fun. The win conditions are garbage, and it works better as a cooperative game than a competitive one. Base gameplay is fine, and the quest deck is actually solid, but it’s entirely possible to play for four

As someone who owns the game, let me say: you’re going to have to house rule the hell out of this to make it fun.

Worth noting that the deal is also available on Wal-mart.

Worth noting that the deal is also available on Wal-mart.

Went through Miami from Memphis for my honeymoon, it was pretty nice. Glad for it, too, since we had a 12 hour layover when we got back so as to not end up paying double for early bird tickets back home.

A molehill of charm trying to cover a mountain of design flaws. I love the characters, I think the soundtrack is excellent, and the game is genuinely beautiful, but the beautiful world is widely lifeless and dull, combat is a miserable slog of what I can honestly say is the worst possible implementation they could

More like that load of GAP.

Amusingly enough, in this case it’s actually both for once. Per Wikipedia, the FHP fields Glock 37 and 39 Gen 4s, both chambered in, wait for it, .45 GAP(Glock Automatic Pistol).

I have to agree. All the people saying “It’s not going to be a real Ferrari” are missing the opportunity here to get a relatively cheap mid-engine exotic that no one will cry over being modded. Dress it up for rally, or heck, convert it to the Cyberpunk 2077 car and take it to conventions. Charge 10 bucks a pop for

The easiest, simplest thing you can do to ensure smooth play is a session zero for each player, and it seems many DMs omit this because it’s not moving the planned story or module forward. Learning about the PCs, the world they expect to be getting into, what they value, and topics they want to avoid makes your actual

The alt-right is good at co-opting movements, social spaces and websites to sell their beliefs, and since the language used to describe this is usually flawed, the articles don’t end up reading “4chan/Reddit/Fortnite/Discord/Kotaku overrun with Stormfront members seeking to swell their ranks”, but rather

I remember that one. The effect was lost somewhat on PS3 where I played it, but still.

Depends on the age. If the kid is smart enough to link cause and effect, explaining to the kid why what they’re doing is wrong works wonders. I basically raised my younger brother from about 6 years old, and telling him that I was very disappointed in him without raising my voice, and explaining why he was in the

Could you respond to this if you happen to recall which game it was? I love it when developers create that sense of feedback.

Worried. I can almost guarantee that Diablo 4 hasn’t dropped out of some fear of releasing a game they’re not happy with. Based on their current releases, it’s much more likely to be about turning Diablo into a steady revenue stream with loot boxes, MTX and the almost inevitable return of the RMAH. This isn’t some

Canceling this. Survive is no more a slap in the face of the series than the pachislots, but Konami finally hitting upon a chance to make a great Silent Hill game again, then canning Kojima and trashing the project is genuinely infuriating. I can’t wait for another decade of studios/Konami comically missing the point

Shut up, Wesley.

I think the real takeaway here is that if people disapprove of these practices, show it. Don’t give Blizzard another cent. Stop playing their games. Vote with your wallet, tell other people to do the same, and if the response of their entire core audience vetoing their business practices gets them to look up from the

Well, that's something at least. Wouldn't know myself, I don't much care for Rockstar's style of games, but good to know they got the cowboy action guns in the cowboy game right.

Life is hard, life is sad, now grab that mother by the horns and bend it to your will. Hate your sad, shitty work-a-day job? Fuckin’ get a resume together and quit! Do it with poise, do it with respect, but find another job and move on. Glean every skill you can from your line of work, and take it elsewhere. You’re

I wonder if lever guns are just a hassle to code for. The only two games I’ve personally seen that got them clearly and visibly right were Call of Juarez: Gunslinger and Fallout: New Vegas. Either that or devs are lazy/don’t care/ don’t count on players caring or knowing enough about lever guns to care.

Honestly, there’s been a few mobile diablo-likes I’ve tried that were pretty fun to play even with the limits of touch input. Eternium stands out to me as a good example of what can be done when a company commits to scaling that experience to a small touchscreen.