
Don't worry, he achieves CHIM.

How to Raise a Nerd 101 - This is coloring book is perfect for my future know-it-alls.

If you know the right people you can be an intern for the church's "secret" marketing division called "Mel Gibson".


And the constant rumors spread by the news are any different how?

One day that satellite is going to disappear and reappear on our planet in a day or two. It's this gut feeling...We aren't alone! * DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN*

Who's to say either of us are wrong though?

I'm calling it now. Our planet is so small we are like a speck in a bigger being. These so called "Red Galaxies" are actually our telescopes picking up the "universe's red bloodcell's". Soon, hundreds if not thousand's of these will be found.

Perhaps the true irony comes from what the picture represents as the picture itself is metaphorically an atom to the internet.

Can someone give me a larger version of the article photo? I want to make it my computer's backround.

Can I know which state it IS in? It's for...research.

How much longer until I can have a chip installed into my brain that is now my cell phone? I hate having to lug around this damn thing...

I don't feel like game developers are realizing exactly how muscles work. A woman can wear the same armor any man can, she'll just have to be a tad bit more "built". A woman that weighs 110 and is 5'4 tall cannot be expected to hold gear 50+ pounds and remain healthy/agile. So alot of the armors that seem

I tried some of the basic british stuff like "crumpet" and "Doctor Who". I won't tell you if they worked or not...because then I'de have to kill you.

Don't tell me games are going to start having "Notch Syndrome".

OK. This means that there needs to be Adventure Time INSIDE Skyrim. I suggest the next DLC either hinting at it or even having a book telling us about how to kiss a princess.

It's the pony tail. It's practically a symbol of jackassery lol

I have 37/50. It was never a goal to get any. I'm just awesome. LEVEL 54 AWWW YEA! I have the ultimate Dragon priest mask double enchanted dragon gear for me AND my Jenassa. Not to mention Daedric weapons. All legitimately earned I assure you. No glitching and/or pickpocketing for training - that ruins the game for me.

I know it's cute and all, but isn't this a waste on resources? I mean, the same things you're printing out can be interacted and read with on the very phone you're using to print it all out.

ACTUALLY, I've tried to assassinate both leaders in an attempt to end the war once and for all. Especially since *SPOILER* I assassinated the emperor already.