I take way longer than that to get to sleep. I would guess I average around 40 minutes, and that is even when I am sure I exercise every day, no TV in bed, just a few minutes of reading before going to sleep.
I take way longer than that to get to sleep. I would guess I average around 40 minutes, and that is even when I am sure I exercise every day, no TV in bed, just a few minutes of reading before going to sleep.
As someone else mentioned, just buy one piece at a time and determine if you need more benefit.
I lived in Quito for quite a few years and was climbing different mountains in the area every other weekend. I really only felt the altitude once I got above 16,000 ft.
Best thing I did after highschool was spend a summer tree-planting. This assured me that I did not want to do hard manual labor for the rest of my life and gave me that extra kick to do well at University.
I imagine the not needing an alarm clock to wake up is mostly relevant to morning people. I rarely need an alarm clock, usually awake 30 minutes before the alarm. The alarm just ensures that I get out of bed and don't try to doze too long.
Here in Canada most of my tax refund is due to Charitable Donations. These are something that you can't really do anything about throughout the year.
I would have liked to see the time savings expressed in percentages. As you pointed out 12 minutes off an hour is a 20% time saving.
Thank you for posting this. I was disappointed that I had to make it this far into the comments for someone to raise this.
I know the feeling. I always get up at the same time, 7 days a week thanks to kids, yet what time my body will fall asleep varies by a couple hours. Sometimes I can go to be at 10:30 and fall asleep immediately, other times I'm not asleep till midnight or later.
What about the extra time you have to spend buying a new tube of tooth paste. Assuming you are already going to the store for other items, you likely don't need to go down the toiletries isle. The time to walk down an isle, look at all the available toothpastes, find the one that is the best $/mL and so on takes one…
I have had really good experience with the TP-Link routers, and they have a dual band Wireless-N router for under $100. It is the first router I have ever had that hasn't needed manual reboots at least once every few months.
My biggest problem with warts is that I get them on my feet and they are under massive callouses, it makes any treatment somewhat useless until I can get rid of the callouse.
The media PC build in the article is almost identical to what I built a year ago, except I used a low end Intel Pentium processor.
I have been to the Alexander Grahm Bell museum in Badec, and it is amazing the number of inventions he came up with. The highlight was we got a tour of the Bell Estate, including the house and climbing up the hill to his burial site.
All very good tips, however the headline is incorrect.
I don't know when I last played music from my desktop. All my music listening is either on my phone, or through a media streamer, local and internet.
I keep trying to convince my wife of naming our next child, who will be a boy, Sullivan, of Uncharted fame.
Overall a good list, though I don't agree with ditching RPG's outright. In the last 6 weeks I managed to play through Mass Effect 2, my first game of the Mass Effect Universe, on Normal just with a couple hours each evening. Now I am starting Mass Effect 1 which will follow with another run through ME2 then ME3. I…
I can support this choice. There are very few things that need to be learned. The issues with it for me is that doing more advanced tasks within Lua can require a bit more creative thinking an planning, due to the limited feature set.
Ride bike to work (30 km round trip) every work day. Last year I was riding 2-3 days a week but am upping it this year so that my wife, who will be on maternity leave soon, can use our single vehicle.