Well, I am still pretty happy about picking up GT5 for $20 at Walmart after Christmas.
Well, I am still pretty happy about picking up GT5 for $20 at Walmart after Christmas.
I have seen some tests done with the power line adapters, and with a single client you will never get anywhere near the spec'd speed, however with multiple clients running off both adapters you should get much closer to the theoretical speed.
The man was amazing. I got the chance a few years ago to have a tour of his estate in Nova Scotia, including the telephone he installed in his house. Makes history so much more interesting to see where someone lived, and the lakes on which he set all the speed records.
My daughter wouldn't sleep at night for a very long time unless she was in a Bjorn, it was the best thing we owned for a few months. I would get home and take over from the wife who would go sleep, then 10 or 11 we would swap out again. A carrier is a life saver.
This was my first thought as well. Everyone talks about how much an hour of your time is worth, but most people forget that you can't assume every extra hour of time you get can be put to work to make any money. Infact, most people I know are more likely to spend money if they have an extra free hour in their day,…
It is hard to describe how horrific this was, I live in the city where this all took place, and it had a huge impact on the entire city.
All you would have to do would be drive a flat bed under one of the Montreal bridges and wait for it to collapse.
You do know that HDMI uses a digital protocol, which means that as long as the cable works, it will work a well as any other cable.
You can uninstall games without deleting the saved games. So if you have a bunch of games on disk that you probably won't play for a long time, just uninstall it. When you want to play it again, install and load the saved data.
Kobo's customer service is fantastic as well. Have a friend who took a Kobo ereader to Mexico for a couple month vacation. It was a dud, and they overnighted her a new ereader and told her to return the dud when she was back in Canada.
Agree with all point except for 7. SPDs are fantastic for commuting. The secret is to loosen the pedal slightly on one side so that it unclips easier. The you just have to learn to unclip preemptively.
My guitar may only be worth $500, but I saved for a log time before buying it myself when I was 15. It has been a great guitar for 13 years and I would be furious if it ever got stolen.
And I always thought it was the "latte" 2000's not the "latte" 90's.
Infamous for sure, not sure about my second pick though. Leaning towards Wipeout HD but am also curious about Dead Nation.
I think I still have my copy of Unreal in its jewel case. That was such a fun game for me. I actually played it more than Half-life
I'll second True Image. It is a fantastic piece of software worth every penny.
It is actually just two sets. Diagon Alley, a fantastic set, and since it is Harry Potter my wife built it with me over a few nights. Second set is Maersk Cargo Train that I am not going to build for a few weeks.
Maybe I'm being too responsible, but most of my tax refund goes to property taxes.
Just because a wine is more expensive doesn't mean you will like it more. My experience with a more expensive wine $90 was that the wine was very good, it was a red so it was also very thick. However I would not want to drink a wine like that very often.
Considering I am too cheap to pay for a smartphone data plan, I haven't bothered with the smartphone craze yet. So I carry by cheap Pay-As-You-Go phone and an ancient Sansa E260.