@abeeee: I never said they didn't deserve what they get, I only made a statement of my opinion of the people who are actively trying to get back at them.
@abeeee: I never said they didn't deserve what they get, I only made a statement of my opinion of the people who are actively trying to get back at them.
@TomXP411: I don't think it is okay for them to defraud people, I never said it was okay. My statement was only against the people who are trying to scam the scammers.
As much as I dislike the scam emails, I can't support the practice of scamming them back. This make you just as bad as them, the difference is they are probably living in poverty while you are having fun just because you can.
@vinterchaos: The iPad is very easily available in Canada.
@CosmicElement: Unfortunately I can't compare to the PS2 R&C games, as the PS3 is the first console I have owned.
@huggy: Much too big, especially since I live in Canada not the US
@ithy-phallus: I don't think this is getting the Greatest Hit treatment. If it was the price would be dropped to $30 and it would have been in the previous post about new Greatest Hits games.
@akuma_619: Ah, I didn't realize you couldn't copy content to the HDD on a 360. I obviously don't own one.
@CosmicElement: I'm currently playing through ACiT and find it feels less polished than ToD. The new puzzles for Clank are awesome though.
@chucklebuck: I know the feeling, I've raced online a few dozen times and have been beaten pretty soundly every race.
@Saboth: I can see why they didn't include the arcade, it doesn't have the hard drive to store content on.
@huggy: And unfortunately there is nothing like that available in North America. Sometimes Europe does get better tech than NA.
I think these ads are quite ingenious. They are targeted at people who do not yet have a smart phone, and those without the smart phones are the ones that complain most loudly about people being totally obsessed with always being on their smart
I'll probably see it eventually, once it is on DVD or Netflix.
@Robb Nunya: Well in that case you are very fortunate because Netflix will provide what you want, I can't quite bring myself to give up the full 1080p for certain movies.
@Cupcake: Funny gestures are the reason I was never able to switch from Opera to Firefox. Any of the gesture plugins I tried for Firefox were never as smooth and consistent as in Opera.
@Robb Nunya: That is fine for a lot of movies, but even an HD stream from Netflix is nowhere near BluRay quality.
@Orion126: A good sommellier is a nightmare on my wallet. On a cruise I managed to avoid wine the first couple nights, then I talked with the sommellier, had a glass every night after that and enjoyed every wine parring he recommended.
@Spoddy: Allow me to do the promotional honors.
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.2: These are wonderful. My wife got one a couple years ago and it makes some tasks so much easier, as well as minimizing cleanup.