@dagwud: That would definitely be disgusting. I guess the take away is that at least once a week, or so, it is worth running a heated dry to clean out any moisture in the dishwasher itself.
@dagwud: That would definitely be disgusting. I guess the take away is that at least once a week, or so, it is worth running a heated dry to clean out any moisture in the dishwasher itself.
@Rob Hayes: Hmmm may have to check that idea out as I also generate a lot of heat while I sleep. My wife can feel the heat radiating off me most nights.
@dagwud: You must leaves damp dishes in the dishwasher for a long time if that is promoting mold.
I have discovered that the weekends I enjoy most are the ones where the only internet usage I have is checking email once maybe twice a day. With the weather getting warmer hopefully I can keep up with my mostly computer free weekends.
Guess it is time to figure out how to upgrade by copy of Transmission on my NAS.
@danhughes: Front load washers require less water. Also, unless you have an agitator free top loader, they put less wear on clothes and you can wash sleeping bags, large blankets in them safely.
@EBone: The other issue is your home internet connection's upload speed. That will be the biggest determining factor in what quality you can get.
@el_vato30066001: Yeah, I am aware of this and it does not make me happy.
@lilalienpup: I agree with your assessment. From reading other media sources the PlayStation Moves comes out much further ahead than anything Giz posted about it.
@Seraphna: Good to know.
So from what I have read the 3D works well when you hold the unit very still, doesn't this exclude the main purpose of the 3DS, gaming while on public transit? On public transit, or in a car you are are constantly being jostled about which sounds like it would keep altering the 3D effect, and would most likely cause a…
@Nerval77: I though American football was popular because it gave you so much down time to go grab another bowl of chili and a beer?
I only recently finally bought a copy of Office 2007, and was only motivated at the time because of the free upgrade to 2010.
You do a great job on selling this platform in this article. However the skeptic in my asks, will this sill be fun in 6 months? One year?
They need to add a feature that only allows you to play 'x' number of turns before locking the game for 24 hrs. That is the only way it would not consume weeks and weeks of my life.
@Wilson: I'll have to remember the Tercel argument. I like the name and it is how a lot of my purchases go.
@Dr. Evil Genius: When Skeletons Live: I agree that it is because we the consumers continue to buy the products. Thus far I have resisted the lure of a smart phone, mostly because of the cost involved.
@yonkoc: If that happens all I will be able to say is, "Thank God I live next to the Pacific Ocean."
@Dallifornia: These are their consumer oriented laptops. They still make Thinkpads that scream business in their conservative design.
The reason I don't own any Apple products is because I don't want to feel completely dependent on one ecosystem. The second reason is iTunes on Windows.