
The idea of a 3d handheld console is compelling, however I would imagine playing a 3d game while sitting on the bus is liable to induce headaches and other unpleasantness due to the the vibrating, starting, stopping, and other random motions on a bus.

@Celery: Based on what the ant guy from last year told me is that because they are carpenter ants, they actually live in the walls. My only other suspect is a large fir tree in the back yard, there are often ants around the base.

Okay, I have ants sneaking into the door frame in my storage room, if I put chalk, baby powder, whatever around the area and refresh it once a week, will this actually kill off the colony eventually, or do I need to find another method.

@schall129: Do you have a link for that? I want to read about this experiment it sounds interesting.

@schall129: That is a very interesting point you raise, but I think it should be tested the next time they send a submersible that deep.

@Eauboy: That worked fine until I scrolled down to see the comments, now I have to reposition the tape.

@strays2k: It is relevant because water boils at a lower temperature when there is less atmospheric pressure. So the water is not as hot, hence it takes longer to boil an egg.

@Daveinva: At 35,000 feet below sea level I don't think you have to worry about boiling an egg. It will be cracked well before you can get it into a hydrothermal vent to try cooking it.

I really miss Sim City. If I can't find my copy of SC 3000 I may have to go out and buy SC4.

@Ccomfo1: It depends what country they collected the data in. In Canada what they did violates all kinds of privacy laws. From what I have read this is also the case in Germany.

I think this is a great idea except for one fatal flaw, my cat! I would be replacing the speaker cloth every few days.

@Finallychange: I would love to see society move away from electronic toys. I struggle with it constantly, but actually buy very few electronic gadgets because I realize they aren't worth my time. My one weakness is my PS3, I don't spend much money, but it does eat up a lot of my leisure time.

@fotoman607: This is what my next step will be. Our current block of cheap knives only has one with a heel, and it is not a big enough heel to be of any good, so I am on the lookout for a good, yet affordable, chef's knife.

@Kerensky97: I can't wait for my first video call on an iPhone, I'll probably still hold the phone to my ear. I guess I better trim the ear hairs before making a call now. Maybe even clean out the earwax.

@jesseclark: I would buy that argument if all three games listed were not multi-plat.

From everything I have heard having an iPhone only decreases your chances of having sex since you are always so busy checking Twitter, email, FB, Giz, etc that you can't focus long enough to have sex.

Great guide, I think I need to start digitizing more items as my filing drawer is getting full and my receipt box is nearly unmanageable.

I have tried everything to be able to sleep when traveling by plane, car, or train, but I just can't sleep in the partially reclined or sitting up position.