
On the non-Apple end you get the idiots who bash anyone who’s a fan regardless of the sound reason they have for using those products. On the opposite end you get those who swear Apple is the flawless god of tech who invented everything they ever release regardless if it’s released years after someone else. There are

Also, when boxed together, books weigh a lot more than they look.

1. Assemble bread

I used to poop once a day. I also was a lot bigger. Once I started counting calories (not dieting so much as not eating way more than I should), I began to poop less, now maybe every 2-3 days. So maybe eat less, poop less? Crazy, I know.

Just keep in mind this will NOT work if you have setup your Apple ID as login and password. If you forget those you’ll have to go through different steps at to retrieve and or reset. Apple ID is a great way to make a Mac very secure because it can’t be simply reset in recovery like a normal passcode.

Canadian here. I torrent everything because of this kinda shit.

Green with the pimentos. 


What you’ve posted already is very helpful, but can I ask you hammock questions? I would love to make this a full time bed for me - best sleep I’ve ever had was in a hammock and sleep is such a challenge for me. How did you suspend it in your house and (sorry if this is too personal) did you completely get rid of your

Sometimes, it’s not the broadcaster’s fault.

I feel like I’m betraying a 50 year family recipe right now, but you all are good people and I’m here to spread joy and happiness.

Thanks again :-)

Btw, thanks for the link. It looks like a very informative site.

A hammock must be a great place to sleep especially during neverending heat waves. Even with an AC and fans I couldn’t get anyone in my family comfortable for more than a couple of hours. Either you’re burning up in hot sweaty sheets or you’re so cold you wake up curled up and cramped.

One of the greatest skills I learned in the Marine Corps: the ability to fall asleep anywhere, anytime, in any position, and quickly. Mostly because you were tired but also because your brain seemed to acknowledge that it might be awhile before more sleep so it allowed you to shut down. I remember falling asleep in

And here I was thinking the military method of falling asleep anywhere was wake up before dawn, run until your CO pukes, and get back to your bunk 3 hours before dawn.

This is, of course, in addition to taking snapshots of street maps, signs, and any important piece of paper that crosses your path.

Lucky you with a woke dad! My father has been retired for 35 years now. He still lets/expects my mother to do the lion’s share of grocery shopping and routine cooking, though, and all of the laundry and house cleaning. My sisters and I chip in when we visit — I have been known to completely clean their entire house —

Right? We were having a visit with some neighbours before she moved here permanently and they were doing some bitching about the town and she was having none of it. “Hey! That’s my Mecca!” Sorry, LLB; she really hates you.
