
It’s your kind of empathy that the world needs.

You’re dishonest about facts and then wonder why people aren’t as outraged as you?

No need to resort to islamaphobia, dude.

I hope that white woman rots in jail forever for her racist murder.

Okay, but she’s white and probably stole the role from a person of color.

Feminists call that “objectification”

With any luck, their kids will grow up to be ungrateful, whinging college activists who bemoan oppression they never endured and blame their parent’s race for all of society’s ills.

Yeah. You really let your emotions get the best of you. Just like the article intended.

Fucking white Women.

Why does it keep getting reported? Because stories like this get mouse clicks.

I’m worried about their kids growing up in a world where they’re called “persons of color”

The only effort their making is penetrating your market. How does it feel to be penetrated?

I’m tickled pink “feminists” are buying crap marketed by Hollywood actresses.

I agree: You are extremely sensitive

Nah. She’s a fucking homophobe. You caught her! Good job, sleuth!

Second guessing one of the best interviewers alive explains your lack of imagination.