
@TheTonyShow: i thought that this was only probably ps3 exclusive, and there was a different secret ps3 exclusive also in the works?

@SGTalon: dude, that half a woman scares the bejesus out of me. it's like, where's your other half? don't you need the organs that were in it?

@Darkelementz: sooo the kid that brought his g.i. joe on the plane, which had a quarter inch long plastic knife, and that got confiscated, that's totally reasonable to you? plenty of other examples, that's just my favorite.

@AMGkiller: wasn't prolog $30? or maybe $39?

@invalidname: i disagree. the hollywood voices in tricky were awesome.

@TheTonyShow: yeah, that one was awesome, and more game appropriate than van halen's 'panama'.

i noticed this when i worked at blockbuster: without a rental already decided before they came into the store, 2 people could decide on a movie in about 10 minutes. 3 people would usually take about half an hour. 4 people would take much longer, to the point of ridiculousness, unless they broke into pairs and each

@Danipenn: i'm playing it on pc, and i've had it crash to desktop once. no other glitches or issues.

i no longer have a land line, and haven't gotten any of these calls on my cell.

@Azel: that's pretty cool, but i would never pay $2 for a background i looks at for about 10 seconds when i first turn on the console.

aren't we all missing the point that he's the pilot? he can take down the plane with no weapons, explosives, toothpaste, 4 ounces of liquid.. all he has to do is KEEP BEING THE PILOT after he gets through ridiculous security, and he is fully empowered to destroy the plane any second he wants.

@NoelVeiga: my problem with it was that i was always asked to take people to locations way out in the boonies, with no new fare to pick up near that location, so i would run out of time before i was able to pick anyone else up.

@pandafresh: i haven't done any of their deals where you outright buy something, but i have done it where you get it from your normal rental queue then keep it, and they mail the case and manual for that, so i would assume they also send them for the buy option. and since they don't send the case and manual with the

@FutbolGenius: at the beginning of this month they made a deal to get a lot more selections available on the streaming.

@resvrgam: when the ps3 was released, wasn't there a whole ton of "at least we don't force people to buy a hard drive" backlash from the xbox people?

@Yatterman: OH! that's why judge bob on majide holds his arms in a circle around his head when someone does good, and an X over his head when they fail.. it all makes so much sense now..

@Vecha: sure, but what about kick-ass, or the losers?

finally a flower demo