
It’s not up to us to say what the creator can/can’t do to the material though. I respect any artists to do whatever they want, heck they can make a rom-com Batman and I respect that.
Bad storytelling is because it’s bad not because it doesn’t cater to what your ideal vision.
There’s a quote saying that people over 30

Okay okay... we get it.. no more realism, dark gritty moody treatment to superheroes, no one (critic) likes it. Unless it’s batman... because he’s BAT MAAANNN....

Most impressive !!!

why’s the screen keep shaking so much.. that gimmick went too far i think

exactly.. that I can’t tell yet :)
part of me loves the japanese fantasy/RPG storyline but part of me also bored to death with japanese fantasy/RPG storyline..

this game is gonna be campy as fuck i tell ya

if there’s an fps counter on the screen during the demo.........
seriously.. what the hell with the lag, stutter and low fps???

Lol... what the FPS scale bound?

but the dog is already cute to begin with?? what’s wrong with you people!!!

Nikkei reports that employees leaving the company offices during their lunch break are having their absences monitored with time cards. Those who stay out too long are having their names announced throughout the company.”
I’m totally down with this :D !!!

Of course it’s gonna be bad.. all japanese pop live movies are bad and the ones who can appreciate them are simply fanboys who like them just to make a point of being japanphilia.

Great! Can’t wait for OR to follow the same fate.. oh wait they already got uncle Mark on their back :)
I wonder though if OR also saw things coming and decided to sell to FB regardless how weird that deal was

lol.. beta.. might as well release all games with beta label these days

if the suit reduces g then the yellow thing (the enemy) can’t be slapped like a mosquito to a mosquito lamp just like that..
It also doesn’t explain how he can make a thomas train into giant and gain weight to destroy building since its mass will be the same... it’ll just be like a giant styrofoam statue.

You obviously never work in software development nor educated enough about dev cycle.
Public beta means you’re ready for shitstorm, if not.. don’t do it, don’t put the word “Public” on it. Do internal test, stress test, do some calculation on the resources needed, etc..
Yes there are ways to do this without have to

To all the people who think they’re better than gamers who whine and complain and try to act smart by saying : “Because it’s beta.. you don’t understand what beta is..”

Gamers should complain, bitch and whine cause guess what? That’s what beta is for in the 1st place! You’re the ones who don’t understand what beta is

episodic games can bite my shiny metal ass! I’ll wait until every episodes complete and then get it for cheap on summer sales.
That’s how I get my telltales binge gaming.. ha ha!

hehe.. this must be one of the niche-est video game news judging by the amount of comments.
Life is indeed tough for athletes

what? i agree with overly complicated moves but most of the fighting game inputs are pretty much de facto standard now : qcf, hcf, charge forward, etc... that’s the depth that connects combo, it also provide balance factor in timing.

Without that.. good luck with your button mashing fighting games *cough* Tekken

It doesn’t help that the broken stick has a big brand logo all over it :D
We know who’s kicking themselves after this