
am i the only one who thinks that this murloc is the best cosplay among them?

ps : seems like it’s something that you can buy online.. i want one!

probably touched up in photoshop more or less but the last picture of the launch event tells me that it’s real
my mind is blown..

what’s the point?
everybody knows that FF is console games and console will always 3-4 years behind of current tech.

why do people still want to live a.k.a staying in Gotham? How does Wayne Enterprise does business?
Place looks like a combination of warzone and crime city from the 80s

What about Shae ?? No one mentioned Shae yet?
I disappointed in you internet!

gimme man of steel skin and i’ll wreck the city like in the man of steel movie..
GOTY 2014-2016!!!

I miss going to arcade.. i’d love to still go to one but they’re so damn expensive for my economy these days. I’m not talking about the retro cabinet but the one that has fancy SFIV with bigscreens and all. Back during the LAN cafe party days, even renting an hour of CS was like cheap entertainment for weekend.



I’m pretty sure people who hates this trailer are just trying to point out their existence..
I’m all hype for any superhero movies but I still can’t figure out how DC is still trying to put batman into the same league as other superhumans. In every JL stories to make batman looks good DC does not buffing him but

Does this mean we can also make a fun concentration camp game? with cartoons and humor for shit n giggles?

I dunno.. the physics don't look natural to me. I'm not sure what makes the limb "explode" like that and if it indeed explodes, the explosion of the body parts look too mild for something that explodes so violently.

one thing that always ruin the immersion of FPS is how they put our hands in front of camera.
It does make sense for games where we carry guns all the time but for melee weapons or adventure.. doesn’t make sense at all.

categorically incorrect simply means yes but technically/categorically it’s not called fired when either :
a. they move the guy to an upper non executive position (this happens alot in Japanese style management, you don’t fire a guy but promote him to a chairman or board or something)
b. Kojima chose to leave at his own

wait.. why is ninja taboo in Europe?

I don’t think Japan has bad blood (or even connection) with european culture ever?

Meh.. im pretty sure it'll be just a fan service forgettable character to meet the demand.
But great job guys! Now the game will be pushed even further beyond 2016..

this is okay guys.. it's japan, no need for the western outrage

ewww.. what's with the frame rate drop there? man.. i wish consoles come up with better hardware. The graphic is not even that great

I'm okay with bugs, glitches and things that devs just couldn't spot during their limited QA time. I'm a dev too and we're just human.

Seriously.. developers should realize who they're making games for. I'm not that young anymore and small fonts are getting harder and harder to read.

I wish there's an option to change the font size for most RPGs.. especially on console where we stuck with less than true 1080pHD (yuck!)

omg omg omg... march 26th is just 3 days away!!