What I don't understand about io9 is how come they see so many flaws in Interstellar but praised Looper so much?? But then again Interstellar is much worse than looper
What I don't understand about io9 is how come they see so many flaws in Interstellar but praised Looper so much?? But then again Interstellar is much worse than looper
I don't know.. sometimes I watch my baby asleep and sigh a relief to see that his chest is still moving up and down.
I don't think I can put my toddler on the back seat of a bicycle..
Meh.. im pretty sure it'll be just a fan service forgettable character to meet the demand.
But great job guys! Now the game will be pushed even further beyond 2016..
this is okay guys.. it's japan, no need for the western outrage
ewww.. what's with the frame rate drop there? man.. i wish consoles come up with better hardware. The graphic is not even that great
I'm okay with bugs, glitches and things that devs just couldn't spot during their limited QA time. I'm a dev too and we're just human.
Seriously.. developers should realize who they're making games for. I'm not that young anymore and small fonts are getting harder and harder to read.
I wish there's an option to change the font size for most RPGs.. especially on console where we stuck with less than true 1080pHD (yuck!)
omg omg omg... march 26th is just 3 days away!!
what's the C in CRPG? Chinese?
Now.. kiss!
because people are dumb
QUOTE | "It has become harder and harder for me to find jobs, and particularly after I got past 50 years old." - 59-year-old designer David Mullich, talking with other game industry veterans about the pervasive age prejudice in the game industry.
nami is hawt!
looks and plays cool in the demo..
STAT | $67 billion – The size of the market for gaming hardware in 2014, according to Jon Peddie Research; the PC market accounted for 33% of that, while smartphones were 23%, consoles were 16%, and tablets 11%.
I watched this movie tonight and about almost at the half-3rd quarter-ish mark I asked myself : This movie is great! Why do reviewers hate it?
Then it goes really really bad.. like it's written by a hollywood exec with a suit who insists to put all AI-sci-fi tropes in it (maybe that's what happened?) and unnecessary…
After a pistol now it's a pair of glowsticks. Way to up your game black widow!
well played Epic.. well played..
*meanwhile at Valve....
i love it.. it's Frieza + Cell combined to form the ultimate boss fight!
are those numbers for "new" applications only? cause sometimes developers submit their updates (and they do it alot) and the updates are treated as a submission too.