
Wait.. cat can haz AIDZ?
Is there a case of AIDS cats?

huh.. dude I was pointing @ Brolin selling out. Did you read the article where Brolin emntioned he turned most movies like this except from Marvel?

"Not Marvel, but I've turned down a lot of those types of movies. "
Cause Marvel means money baybeeehhh!!

ah.. I remember buying 19" CRT flatscreen. It took 2 man to carry it and put it on my computer table. It was the BOMB!

Yay... suck it nerds!!!!

There's a reason why I never watch american motosport and this solidifies my sentiment. This gung ho n reckless attitude is celebrated in American motosport and it looks good for TV n spectators until someone got killed.

Is Activision the Michael Bay of PC Games?
Should I scream don't rape my childhood now?

I see that they haven't found 3D modelling software yet..
really nice retro art though..

Here's what irk me the most.. other DC superheroes is also pretty good at detectiving themselves when they're on their own story. Superman is a reporter, Barry Allen is forensic scientist for godsake! But when it's their time in the league suddenly everyone forget to use their brain.

Case in point : Aquaman is hurt

ooo.. is this the HQ of Evil Inc. ?

Hah.. more likely how Batman can stay in JLA when lots of other superheroes can kill him with just a fart??

Yeah yeah.. trying to bring logic to comic characters is like trying to discuss religions, in fact at some point I think Batman is pretty much Jesus according to his fans.

If it weren't because of M Bay name attached to it then I think nerds will give this a fair chance but I think there's too much haters already and people will rather not see the movie then proven wrong.

As someone who basically LARPing as Michelangelo with 3 of my best friends in elementary school : I'm glad they're

I'm so gonna play the shit out of this game! My logitech pro wheel is readyyyy!!!!

it's not the guitar.. it's the mic

isn't it amazing that they already making the movie now but release it almost 1.5 years from now? I wonder how many post production it's gonna take so spice up movies these days..

Android gaming really does need some good publications cause the games are getting better,
I just had my decent android tablet for gaming and i don't even know what to get to fill my 32GB of space

well, i want to know what camera they use and how they process the data? i assume it won't be digital camera?

well, what's the point of test bed if no one can find it :) not to mention app store won't allowed you to change the title which.. actually pretty good n evil plan plan cause once you release the final version it'll be categorized as new release!.

i once lost in gz biggest trade fair, there are so many people it's kinda surreal. Cant imagine what it'll be if they're all nerds n cosplayers

can we stop making eyes that big? it's starting to freak me out