
Android gaming really does need some good publications cause the games are getting better,
I just had my decent android tablet for gaming and i don't even know what to get to fill my 32GB of space

well, what's the point of test bed if no one can find it :) not to mention app store won't allowed you to change the title which.. actually pretty good n evil plan plan cause once you release the final version it'll be categorized as new release!.

i once lost in gz biggest trade fair, there are so many people it's kinda surreal. Cant imagine what it'll be if they're all nerds n cosplayers

can we stop making eyes that big? it's starting to freak me out

I dunno, can it be just someone masquerading as Tom Cruise? How did he know if it's really him and not some frustrated teen (or slightly grown up) prank call?

Hey hey.. so I played up to AC II (n all that followed after) but I don't feel like playing AC III n IV. Now with AC Unity my interest peaked again I'm probably gonna get it..
Will I miss much on III, IV? Is Unity the continuation of those two or is it basically AC V ?

I say 2000 is still a good year.. good times, by 2001 there's no longer an arcade open with KOF in it and it's actually not that good although it tried hard to fix some of the imbalance of 2000
XIII is good though I'm too old now to actually learn and memorize anything lol

Of course kids will beat you at cosplay cause that's what they are for... children!

I'm glad they're trying to make TMNT regardless the outcome, I'm gonna watch it cause hey.. it's just 5 bucks. I hope hollywood makes more movie from my childhood era that I didn't get before for the current generation. The only reason my children know about TF/TMNT is when Bay make movies out of them, sure it

why does arcade room organizer always makes it dark? Don't they know it's bad for the eye?
I'm 36 now and recently went to a local dank arcade to try to play KOF.. man.. talk about sensor overload, my eyes n ears couldn't take it after few minutes.

excuse my ignorance but what does this happy pink bear mean/refer to?

lately mobile games have matured and we've found few gems here and there.. I definitely won't mind spending 1.99 on what seems like an at least 10$ game on Steam.

I just can't afford nor my mind will allow me to spend 700$ on a tablet just to play games, browse n read ebooks.

I hope the dev release it on PC some times

Just like booze, DOTA is fun when you do it with bunch of friends so it's really not about the game. Heck, gimme a deck of card and I can have good times if it were among friends. I remember when it's still WC3 mod me and my pals held late night LAN sessions till 2-3 am and had good times.
These days I don't go play

This is how I feel every time someone posts KS campaign

Wow.. you mean higher resolution and FPS mean better game? What are you talking about you crazy game journalist?
Games are meant to be played at sub 30 fps to get that hipster look and feel..

There has to be some sort of legal requirements for people to have babies. People neglected pets, animals got tried and sentenced to prison. There's even a special force for it doing patrol n such.

wow? ticket costs 20$ now?

Looking good... looking good..
better than expected and it's a nice different take on the superheroes from the happy bunch @ marvel

i miss blocky transformer robots.. like it's meant too! instead of that cyborg-humanoid-esque bayformer from the latest movie. They don't make any sense at all ! >:(

TBH, remember that TMNT game? well I played that alot with my friends and I remember enjoying it.. I guess back then as a kid we just want to play anything. It wasn't till I was exposed to western game publication that I learned everyone hate the game.