
how come there's no Soul Calibur Tournament :( ?

when is this coming again? last year it was march? but now?

but chess aren't realistic simulator

have we live in a peace too long we crave for realistic war simulator to fill our fun needs?

i'll wait till i can play on my 3ds instead of wiiU, last time i played old games on my 37" screen they look ugly as hell and don't give me that retro argument. It's just pixels in low res don't look good in big screen

i don't know why but this year gaming events have been exciting so far, from e3 to evo.. good days to be gamer.

I think Riot only need one argument : "If eating hotdogs at 6 HPM (hotdogs per minute" can be considered act of sports, why can't a video game where they do 200 CPM (click per minute) isn't?"

How come a game lasted 6 years in dev and suddenly switched console gen?, during that time the tech has changed. That means assets need to be repolished for the next gen, code need to be.. recode since PS3 n PS4 has nothing in common in terms of architecture (it isn't PC people). The only thing that can be saved is

I remember when i play GTAIV on my xbox, it has to deal with constant loading the game/map/texture. With such a huge world like this I wonder how it's possible on x360. Should I wait for next gen release instead?

hmm.. TSO? Three six zero? does this mean 360 was conceived way earlier than we know?

not an english speaker here, so what does "bunduss" mean and why is it funny (it does sound funny but I don't know how to pronounce it) ? I can't find it on but google shows there's alot of people with that name?

Ultimate otaku movie? wait, there's gonna be tentacle rape sex involving schoolgirls? damn.. I was about to take my little bro to see this movie

i hate those X% people who think it's "very cheap"!

it's a common courtesy if you have a cold to wear one so you don't spread your germs all around.

me too! it was like.. meh ... meh.. meh.. then LoL!

does anyone know when/how the word fcuk become prominent in everyday cussing/swearing?

i still don't understand on what basis the authority arrested him? i mean.. okay, kudos for following the threat report but anyone with common sense, after talking to him/his family should realize he's not a threat and let it go?

It kills me that I never get to finish reading Patlabor due to the publisher in my country suddenly decided they won't continue publishing the manga and just stop!, back then (highschool, now I'm 35) the story was intense and intricate enough for me to keep me hooked and wondering about the plot.

I've been searching

what? not steve jobs? cmon steve jobs is like the best and invented everything in computer world