i'm full of remorse of saying nah to the wizard edition back then .. now after seeing the game and what the wizard edition looks like (especially that important book), i feel like i don't get to experience the game fully :(
i'm full of remorse of saying nah to the wizard edition back then .. now after seeing the game and what the wizard edition looks like (especially that important book), i feel like i don't get to experience the game fully :(
i thought the song was a joke that some fan overdubbed for laugh.. but is that the real music from the trailer? holy shit...
It's because DC wants his most beloved superhero mash up with the others. So he kinda dumb the others down to his level.
i think the problem with this mode or line of thinking is making the difficulty bar for developers lower and lower each year. Worsen by the f2p or f2w model, difficulty these days is designed simply as a value parameter.
Hmm.. , i usually like to test which one feels right for me. Usually I play in the language i understand and change to the original language to measure which one im gonna stick with.
"Racism is not using a term, or a slur, it is a type of mentality. " -> I thought that mentality is manifest in slur or term or name calling or whatever.
heh... i remember when sound card was an important requirement to enjoy the game fully.. these days it's just a formality :
i tell ya, if bunch of children killed by guns doesn't make US ban fire arms, nothing will..
This is where japanese developers are losing it. I'm sure if japanese titles distributed properly on steam they'll make fortune! Or not,... but at least it'll give them a chance to build a fanbase.
Too bad we/I won't be able to play the game. I always curious on gamification, especially ones based on a serious event like this.
video rental, arcades and soon.. bookstore
the label is appropriately says : B Show
battery battery battery... when it comes to mobile processor all i care is the battery performance. I need at least a smartphone that can last +-12 hrs of maximum usage (browsing, making calls, playing games at least 2hrs).
yeah, it's just batman has been around for years but not once people complain how stupid his crime fighting method is but since the PR trailer released everyday I see at least a person complains that robot vs monster is stupid, won't work, etc.
wait.. are you one of those guys who think reading physical books is better than reading on tablet?
Yes because bruce wayne being a vigilante at night is the best way to fight crime in gotham city, u know, instead of using his wealth to fund the police, politics, etc. That's how they do it in real life u know :)
Hi, I'm from Indonesia, I like to inform that the single province mentioned in the list doesn't represent the whole country, just like Florida doesn't represent the whole America. It's the usual western media finding quirky thing in another 3rd world country, these weird laws usually won't pass and if it does, it's…
i followed Ni No Kuni progress religiously.. already marked my calendar since i heard the news last year!
need a chart comparing it with other dino tooth/teeth