The “no true Scotsman” logical fallacy shows it’s ugly face.
The “no true Scotsman” logical fallacy shows it’s ugly face.
I think Street Fighter V reviews are proof that gaming journalism is far from objective. They don’t want to piss of a major publisher by giving the game a honest review.
I keep hearing “you were warned.” But unless “ONLINE ONLY” is in big bold print on the package or on the download page, 99% of people will not see it.
There was zero warning on the packaging or on the download page saying it was online online. Not everyone spends every waking moment reading gaming news.
I figured Street Fighter was a safe bet, but I’ll never make that mistake again. Capcom is becoming as bad as Konami.
I hate playing online. It’s nothing but a laggy mess. Matchmaking sucks, so difficulty is all over the map. It’s just not fun. If anything, it’s stressful. You can’t relax.
Japanese companies don’t seem to understand that a lot of people in the US don’t live in the city and may not have the ridiculously low latency needed to play a fighting game online. To those people, you offered a $60 menu of things you can’t do.
“Coming out in a few weeks” is by definition not done. You destroyed your own argument in the first few sentences.
I can’t find the link, but there was a big survey during the SF4 timeframe that showed that a majority of people who play fighting games are still casual players who frequently play offline.
Some people only play offline. I consider the online stuff “fluff".
I bought a $60 game I can’t play (poor internet here in the mountains). The game didn’t have any clear warnings that it was online only. How is that not a disaster?
Ah yes, the lube your ass and learn to enjoy it” approach to consumer feedback.
In people’s defense, not everyone follows gaming news closely and who would imagine Capcom was shit eating retarded enough to release a fighting game without arcade mode.
Well then contact Kotaku with proof and put this whole thing to rest.
Positive reviews from people who have barely played it? THIS HAS LITERALLY NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE.
Usually I don’t, but I didn’t think anyone would be brain dead enough to ship a fighting game without arcade mode.
What’s sad is that if you play training mode it’s obvious that they have all the pieces to throw together arcade mode. It would have taken them a few days, max. It’s clear that they intentionally left it out. They might as well have put a big banner across the top that said “fuck you, people why play single player."
Where’s Kotaku’s disaster watch for this game. It’s way worse than Sun City ever was.
The problem is shitty servers AND no real single player options.
I normally don’t preorder games, but I thought “all I ever play is arcade mode and no one is retarded enough to ship a fighting game without it.”