
Do conservative men think that women's "biological reality" of getting pregnant, giving birth, and caring for children does not benefit them? I'm really perplexed here at the way men view reproduction and childcare as if it has no effect on or benefit to them. Do men not benefit when women have and take care of

If a woman asks what time it is, some man somewhere will call her "demanding".

This was the argument that caused my oldest (male, engineering) friend and I (female, engineering) to break up. I don't think he wanted to consider the implications of being (grossly and unfairly) advantaged in the male dominated field we were both entering. Oh, memories.

"I think most women do not want to be treated as sort of a special class of citizen. They want to go every day, they want to get paid for being a professional for doing their job really well, and they don't want to be treated like some special group..."

1.) I am am woman with no children (biological, adopted, step). This status will not change. The whole pregnancy/childbirth/SAHM thing does not apply in my case.

Fucking hell! Getting equal pay is not being treated as a 'special class of citizen' - its being treated as an equal class!

I think the subtext is "Well, you're going to live longer, so you can just work full-time from ages 86-89, to make up for the 50 years that I made more money than you at the same job!"

So, if women live longer than men, shouldn't we pay them MORE money for all those extra years so they don't have to end up eating cat food? (Also, don't they still retire at the same age as men?)

Yup. Complaining about women being pandered to is a time honored method for pandering to men.

Exactly! It just means I get to live longer on less money, really.

Yep. They need their servants and soldiers.

There is something so basic and human about this that rich people don't get.

They also need poor children to grow up & fight wars for resources.

Yep, those I unmarried sluts get themselves knocked up, amirite?

well yeah, but women don't count as people, silly.


Well we aren't having mass immaculate conceptions either.

"Maybe we have to say 'enough's enough, you shouldn't be having kids after a certain amount,'" Paul told the business group at one point.

But if the unwashed masses stop breeding who will serve the rich?

Don't want poor women to have kids? Make abortion and birth control free and easily accessible. When you are poor, sex is the only thing you can afford.

It's not sexism or racism or anything, it's just an opinion