
Millenial south asian-american woman here. I don’t really know how I feel about all this but here is my experience.

Make sure the water to dog ratio is correct

I honestly want to go to her dance studio

Thats what the three seashells are for. Oh my god guys, The Nobel Renard doesn’t know how to use the three seashells!

So, SNL co-head writer has pattern of harrassing and intimidating women online = Fine.

Pedro should have used a bible instead because the only thing that stops a good guy with a gun is a guy with the good book.

That feeling when the comments are infinitely more entertaining than the article

Seriously? Jezebel just posted an entire article of a man bitching that a woman refused to give him more of her time than she chose, and refused to talk about certain subjects against her will? Then takes her agency away by insisting Big Bad Publicist wouldn’t let her when she clearly didn’t want to?

I kind of wonder if, while dashing this off, you thought most people reading it would think you were describing a scene where anyone else in the room would look bad, other than a person who would write such a long, whiny, self-serving post.

This was an interesting read. Thanks for parting the curtain on interview scheduling, I was dying to know all about that process. Making a woman uncomfortable over a man’s bad behavior isn’t the framing device I’d have gone with, I don’t think, but then I’m not a man so...

This article is one long bad take.

The bigger issue here seems to be why you feel entitled to her answers, and why you think that she should have to talk about Matthew Weiner just because she has spoken out about sexism in the past.

Is anyone going to ask men about #metoo or is it only potential female rape victims who get interrogated endlessly as to whether they’ve been raped? Maybe she feels she can’t afford to be truthful. What an ungrateful dumb bitch.

I’ve lived in southern California my entire life and I’ve been hearing that THE BIG ONE (OHNOPANIC!!!!!!!!!!) was moments away pretty much the entire time. You get kind of meh about earthquakes by the time you’re like ten here, lol. This isn’t the first time that the Ring of Fire is doing its thing either.

Tornadoes on

Now playing

I’m glad Jimmy Kimmel is taking up the issues. He’s not the first and in my head I feel he’s a little late to the party. Then again Seth Meyers who has been covering everything extensively seems exhausted and maybe you need new fresh voices because Seth seems annoyed and fed up and we can’t be that way. Well not all

Also, because I can never not mention this:

Do you think Vasilisa is just a bit too twee and good?

Anyone else get My Sharona stuck in their head every time they read La Llorona?

1. I’m still pissed about Cthulhu not winning his round, that’s some bs.