
Man I really tried with the Daily Show after he left.

yup, thats the joke

Buttery males!

Don’t you worry about blank. Let me worry about blank.

I remember when DADT got repealed, and people out in the real world freaked the fuck out. In the military, we all just... continued going to work and getting things done, and our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters were happier, more productive Soldiers because they didn’t have to live a lie. I’ve yet to see a

Trump is emotionally stuck at age 12 so of course kids are going to relate to him. He speaks their language. My friend teaches 7th graders and she talked about how many of her students this past year just openly worship the guy. As a teacher she has to remain politically impartial. The only thing she was able to do

I believe the children are our future... UNLESS WE STOP THEM NOW.

First of all, lol at your many attempts to make sure the Sanders people don’t flame you. Good luck with that.

If the son’s a twit, you must acquit!

Hey, if somebody’s got to do it, we could do worse than Johnny Depp. As far as I can tell, his career is mostly over, and his kids are already teenagers. If he’s willing to do the time....

Listen, honey bunches of oats... I’ll spell this out once.

If I hear the name Bernie Fucking Sanders one more fucking time...I cannot believe the depths of delusion with these remora-gripped nitwits. BERNIE FUCKING SANDERS IS. A. POLITICIAN. He is not a wizard, wise and gentle elder tree spirit, or magical genie who could grant free health care and college for all. He made it

First of all, there are people IN THIS THREAD suggesting that she’d be “as bad as Trump” in regards to the environment, Syria, etc. So, those people did/do exist (which I think you’re trying to deny “exited”?). Since I don’t live in a world of hypotheticals, I live in a world in which Trump is absolutely president and

Looking forward to all the people on this board who, during the election, claimed Hillary was as bad as Trump - who are all now pretending like they weren’t wringing their hands about the importance of 3rd parties and insisting on voting for the perfect gluten-free biodynamic political candidate of their choice

“In some ways, Trump is one of the best things to happen to this country because look at how many people are getting off their posteriors,” says Sherry Wells, the Green Party’s Michigan chairwoman. “So part of me is giggling.”

This conversation reminds me of the Buffy episode where the Trio of villains were arguing over who was the best James Bond.

No. I do not co-sign.
