
Yes, Like your prom dress!

I hope you burned that couch.

I guess I'll be the odd one out and say that I don't like the super-ripped superhero-actor look at all (give me gangly skinny dudes any day) and it really bums me out that instead of relaxing body image standards across the board, they've just been ramped up for both genders. EQUALITY! Fuck health!

I suddenly understand all those dudes always chiming in to reassure women that chubby ladies or little breasts or whatever also give them boners. Because my first reaction is to say, "But I like skinny guys!" I guess I prefer men to be sort of lean and noncut, which I didn't know I prefered. Because all these pictures

I've been super outspoken with what happened to me. I'm google-able and have spoken out on Dateline and The Today Show (right after Michio Kaku... I was science-swooning). Its part of how I fight back against all the slut-shaming and victim-blaming that is par for the course with other people who have been through

I think what ruined the X-Men movies for me was how shitty they were.

I watched "Wolf of Wall Street" with my mom and afterwards she goes, in her thick East Coast Jewish accent, "It was good but why did there have to be so many orgies? After the first two orgies it was like, enough already with the orgies."

What I don't understand is that the Supreme Court has ruled that Money is Speech. Now, that money is speech... why can't men or women use money to tell another person, who they engaged in sex with, what a great experience it was? I mean, they're just using money as a means to communicate with their fellow human

Damn, I missed the part of American history where they took over French Montana. Was that in the Louisiana Purchase?

Before cars, pizza was delivered by a "pie horse". The power and popularity that came with this great novelty and the prestigious position of pie-horseman tended to go to the pie-horseman's head. They had a reputation for their haughty attitudes and power-mongering. It became popular slang to tell snobby people to

Depp has said that he plans to play the role of "Witness" as "a combination of Lyndon Johnson, Klaus Nomi and Daffy Duck. Joel Harlow has a great hair concept for me in this one."

Except when that happened Colbert's new show was being pitched as, essentially, a second Daily Show which was the best thing on TV.

Booo-rns. A great comedian doing something really good and fresh and vibrant is going to start over in a format that hasn't had life in it for decades?

Because We're All Pretty Sure He Talks Like Jaden Smith Tweets.

There is no aspect of the story that is not heartbreaking: this woman epitomizes how difficult it is to claw your way out of crippling poverty and the many "damned if you do, damned if you don't" choices one has to make in doing so. Her children were in real danger. Very real, very serious danger, and that should not

Kate Mulgrew... I work at NASA. On behalf of myself and my colleagues:

In his defense he checked if she was 18. So that just makes him sleazy, not pedo.