Looks like a bad touch to me. A very bad touch...I'll be in my bunk...
Looks like a bad touch to me. A very bad touch...I'll be in my bunk...
It's the second tag on the ol' Jezebel credo (that being sex) so I am glad this has been brought up but this is the first time occupy has really been given any sort of coverage on here. Well...this and the Sesame Street satire. It's disconcerting. You seem to be criticizing other media's use of such a sexy sex sex…
Be that as it may to sensible individuals such as ourselves - being on television, on the cover of magazines and the amount of money they are receiving and will receive from appearances and potential book deals is better than AP Calculus. Plus they get to bang without a condom. Am I right?
Yes. Yes it does.
Back up. There's someone out there named Vanderpump? For the love of all things good and holy can someone name a spawn in that lineage Humperdink Vanderpump. Is that too much to ask?
Maybe stop glamorizing Teen Moms. A thought.
Thank you friend. Let me return the favor by informing you that you have a spider on your shoulder!
Re: Sequel. Kids in the Hall fan? I wonder how long his book will be. [youtu.be]
I know that I am screaming impotently into the internet void (because I have nowhere else to go) when I tell you my choir that I'm so soul achingly done with talentless famewhores (redundant? AND HOW!) being rewarded by television shows, book deals, fragrances and money enough to ram every man, woman and child with…
Let's go surfing now, everybody's learning how, come as you are, as you were, as I want you to be...
So...you're saying I shouldn't name my junior's line Aww!Sweetz?
I think it was just corrected now. Good to know I was paying some attention in judaic studies.
Heebzebels help me out. Cremation is not done in Judaism is it? I don't remember that being in any way a tradition of ours. (the article was edited after my post...or I just missed it the first time).
Language is a mutable, frabjous thing that many take way too seriously...on the other hand. Whenever I see errors like the misuse of there-they're-their or "tings" my immediate thought is, "HA! IDIOT! YOU ARE THE IDIOT SIR OR MADAM." Nobody is immune to language grandstanding I guess.
I have a feeling nobody is going to want a, "Baby Not Yours" this Christmas.
I'm so glad I wasn't the only person to place her with that character first. I used to watch Soap on my sick days when it was on Comedy Central. Jessica Tate is the shit.
You do the Lord's work and it is beautiful.
I have a feeling nobody is going to want a, "Baby Not Yours" this Christmas.
And after Madonna's hearing aid started to melt, Mozer then followed up his statement with, " Why do I smile at people who I'd much rather kick in the eye?"
Anyone else reading, "menthol of death" in an Eddie Izzard voice?