
Sorry, I (and everyone else responding to you) assumed that you were referencing the timeframe relevant to this article and the OP. No one forgot that for much of Obama’s presidency the GOP controlled at least one house of Congress, and no one is blaming him for not passing legislation during that timeframe. This is

Oh wait, I thought we had shifted this conversation into the post-2010 election time period, which was not germane at all to the article or the OP.  Are we now back in 2009, when the GOP in fact did not control Congress? your comment was in reference to a timeframe that was completely irrelevant to the article and the OP, as if everyone forgot that Republicans gained control of Congress during Obama’s term?  Cool.

I don’t know why you’ve turned into a dishonest and abusive asshole, but you were wrong. Have the basic decency to admit it instead of acting like this.

I would be in that group. Even if no additional money was available for the bailout, Obama could have made it conditional to the banks on 1) the banks doing a cramdown with the underwater borrowers on their loan terms and amounts, with any failure to fulfill said cramdown resulting in huge fines and penalties; and

That’s THE stimulus bill under discussion. I’m not being disengenious. The GOP did not control congress when that was passed. The discussion here is about THAT stimulus bill, and whether it fell short of the goal.

ARRA was passed in 2009. There’s no way for you to salvage the factual error you just made. Just admit it and move on. 

Okay, so during the time period relevant to this article, Congress was not GOP controlled....

And how Obama failed to respond to Hurricane Katrina.

Yes, people forget how Congress was GOP controlled in 2009, just like they forget how George W. Bush lassoed Flight 93 out of the sky.

The 2009 Congress was not GOP controlled. 

Did 8chan shut down for an afternoon or something?


it was a pathetic non-apology where he still blamed Hill for the whole thing by saying “i’m sorry YOU were upset”, I HATE it when people give a half-assed apology like that which puts all the blame on the victim, that’s even worse then not apologizing at all.

Harris is a FAR FAR better choice moron.

Biden being Barack’s VP was pretty simple; he needed a somewhat affable, old white dude to sway reluctant white Democrats to vote for him. I mean, that was it, more or less.

Almost as ridiculous as acting like this wasn’t an attack on Biden’s age.”

Guaranteed his wife found those pictures on his phone and he was caught so he said “I was just showing everyone how ...bad...those swimsuits are!”

No shit. I showed plenty of neck and nobody denied me of my prize for winning the North Shore Conference varsity math meet. I still have Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions sitting on my bookshelf to prove it.

Kevin, I respect you and you’re probably my favorite contributor across all of GMG, including your video appearances.

But that’s a boat, not a ship.