
In all fairness, second highest result in Google’s frequently asked questions for “who owns the daily mail” is whether or not Murdoch owns it, bracketed by “is the daily mail a reputable news source” and a media watch link about the... strong... editorial leanings of the paper.

Do you see gray spots in the intersections of the diagrams in the article below”

I wouldn’t know, I don’t see color, only character,

I challenge you to think of something other than organized racism that’s “southern heritage” but not a product of black southerners or their African ancestors.

You won’t have to pay for the tow. The car is the collateral for the tow. The owner pays it (and any storage fees) to get their car back.

I spit diet cola on my monitor just now. Thank you Kevin. I’ll send the bill to Dollar Tree or Hot Topic or Aldi or whoever owns Gizmodo now...

Tow? If that’s my property, that’s an immediate tie the other end into my 2-phase 220 outlet, grab a beer and watch the fun.

As Salty points out, there are lots of teens that look like adults and lots of adults that look like teens, our own assumptions about age are not infallible.

They don’t have to serve you, and (protected classes aside) they don’t have to have a good reason. Considering the penalty for being wrong, a bartender should definitely set their Spider-Sense bar higher than the law’s. If I must err one way or the other, I’d much rather deny an of-age person than serve an underage

“Honey, will you throw some hot dog links on the grill?”

Being RIGHT doesn’t make you a bitch. 

You call it falling. I call it lifting up the rug where the dirt’s been hidden for a long time.

A sharp, quick-witted journalist would lose this level of access.

John McCain is looking up at this and just shaking his head.

One of my favorite things to do when people use dog whistles like that is to play dumb as fuck. A friend of a friend’s sister commented that she didn’t like how “dark” her neighborhood has gotten and I was pretending I thought she was talking about street lamps. This went on for ages and she kept getting increasingly

Conway noted that “the Squad… represent a “dark underbelly in this country.”

(As an ethnically ambiguous person, my favorite reply to this question is, “Why do you ask?” and then just let t h e  s  i  l  e  n  c  e   d   r   a   w    o    u   t     .     .     .) 

Someone needs to explain the difference between ethnicity and nationality to this twat.

No, he would have been in the wrong for not de-escalating the situation so nobody got hurt. He did what we hope all cops will try to do; he found a way out of a deadly situation without anybody dying.

Think about how many situation would have been de-escalated before they started.”