
Screw the NFL. It's not the Dolphins' fault that they can communicate with free agents via echolocation.

Ok, I'll try to deconstruct these pictures that you are using as proof that there is good food on The Hill. Left: Hockey puck covered in tomato paste. Center: Plain penne with cold defrosted cocktail shrimp. Right: Puke.

True story:

Toasted ravioli doesn't represent St. Louis Italian food. It's just their unique junk food item. There truly is some good, real Italian food on The Hill.

My ex-girlfriend was a server and mentioned some douche who would roll up in a brand new Mercedes SUV and pull this shit. He always came in with a very bored looking much younger woman, who was rarely the same woman twice.

Let me know if you ever come. I run a food podcast in STL (Four Courses), and, believe me, there is LOTS of great food here. The places/foods mentioned in this wiki article are not what I would recommend to ANY traveler.

STL suffers from a VERY OLD GUARD of people who market shit like what you read about in that wiki

It is literally not possible to make a St. Louis-style pizza look appetizing. I've looked at pictures of it eight beers deep and still went "NOPE WON'T EAT IT".

As someone who grew up with a Missouri education, I really thought waffle cones were discovered in St. Louis. Like, we had a whole week about that in middle school. I wonder what else they lied to me about.

Jesus Fuck. When will "the greatest nation on earth" start giving a shit about its citizens? How dare these corporations call themselves patriots. This is getting ridiculous. I fear the definition of the word "patriot" may have to change soon.

Chip Kelly at Eagles' HQ:


eagles fan for 30 years here. what the fuck is going on. what the fuck what the fuck.

Well, at least Seattle fans will get to see a few dunks now.

gonna hit you up old school for this one

OUTTTSTTTANNNDDINNNGGG (girls you knocked us out?)

Now playing

Twitter is like the equivalent of those police stings where people with warrants think they won a prize and they go to claim it. It works well for capturing the stupid criminals.

"I'll help a fellow baby bear"

Google BYU fight.