Hey chatda called Bucky. CHAT DA FUCK UP
Heck Wisconsin as a 2nd option.
If the worst case scenario happens, gotta root for the comet to hit Lucas Oil Field House next Monday.
Well yeah it is old since UK probably cheated with Rupp, Hall and Sutton
Is this thread called Grateful Deadspin?
Does the apartment come with his hat?
+1 For being the first self aware Duke fan ever witnessed on the internet.
Agreed he should have been the MOP if the 1984 Final Four. Cant find it but there is a story about him elbowing one of the Kentucky players and apologizing to him about it. Then on the next free throw he elbows him again.
I CCCP what you did there. Oh wait wrong commy country.
Frozen dinners have more appeal then this nonsense. Pfffft The Hill.
LOL + 1 For trolling disillusionment.
You are a bozo for using uber pool if you're in a hurry
+1 from this Android phone.
You may ask yourself
Can't wait for Tyga's collaboration with TonDruh called Klymit!
Calm down there Kaepernick.
Damm why cant this guy's twitter handle be @trollman_returns. Give this guy credit for pulling Gonzo Dick Nose strings pretty well.
Does the Prince of Qatar have a picture of Sepp Blatter in panties for extortion? This is just criminal how they're getting away with this.