
My favourite Mary Berry moment was when one contestant, bit of a geez, bit cheeky (I think he was an indie guitarist-slash-DJ, baseball caps and such), and he'd done something a bit unconventional, a bit daring with one of his cakes, and it turned out to be awful.

It's… just really pleasant. It's hard to explain why it appeals so much. It's just nice people baking cakes in a meadow.

Yeah, Bojack is the show that I wholeheartedly love, but Kimmy, Lady Dynamite and OitNB are all great and bold and etc. It seems like despite the rampant expansionism, there's a consensus five-odd shows that everyone talks about.

I kind of like how scattershot their output is. Like yesterday the main page was trailing a show launching on Friday, and I look it up and it's a one-shot series by a Noah Baumbach type, which isn't the sort of thing you expect to be a flagship show. They seem to be into paying interesting people to try things out.

I thought it was the initial article, but I just looked through that and it all seemed pretty as you'd imagine for a beloved musician dying.

It'll be interesting to see how it pans out. The AVC comments section for Prince's death notice on here were 80% people going "never got into him, don't care" or sort of defiantly saying how they'd never liked him that much even though they knew they were supposed to. Maybe that split between a small group of

God, you're right. Derision is the only thing that gets him. If Hillary held a press conference to reveal intelligence she has received that he has a tiny dick, that could actually be an effective strategy

And that's the thing, that stuff is boring, or at least most people think so. Even people with strong opinions on deficit reduction will glaze over after half an hour of discussion of deficit-reduction policy, but usually both candidates have to at least give the impression that this stuff matters and they have

I imagine it's really tough to engage with Donald Trump in a meaningful way as an opponent without ending up on his level. None of the other republican candidates worked out how to do it either, most traditional election strategies must be useless.

You're a good egg, Girard

It was front page of The Sun a few days ago, the media frenzy is close to what it was for the baked Alaska scandal a couple years back

Scorching take.

Feels like he could have sat down in his house with a tape machine running and played through this exact setlist in one take and it would be more of a draw for the sort of person that might consider paying actual money for a Jack White acoustic record

Half expecting there to be original wood flooring etc under all the shocking decor decisions and cheapest possible appliance installations

The housing stock round there is pretty decent though. The high street's still not up to much, but a friend was looking for another house mate and I went round to check it out, and was amazed at the size of the place and how little they were paying. Only 15 minutes into the centre of town too.

Six bedrooms for £1.2m? Dude could probably do Saw things to people on the open house and they'd still be queueing up to buy it

I grew up in a Guardian household, it's still the paper I buy on the occasions I feel like reading a dead tree newspaper, and the advent of comments on the Guardian site was incredibly deflating for me. I'd imagined it as some kind of… humanist marketplace of ideas, or something, and instead it's just the bitterest

I only heard one RTJ track and it featured Zach De La Rocha and it was called Close Your Eyes and Count to Fuck and it sounded like it could have been the hottest track on the Judgement Night soundtrack. Is it worth persevering past that?

Drake is to Big Ghost as Roger Federer is to David Foster Wallace

Guardian commenters are absolutely the worst people on the internet. At least Breitbart and Mail commenters are capable of fleeting instances of joy.