Top hats seem to be part of the dress code, so
Top hats seem to be part of the dress code, so
The news tv at work was showing the horse dancing today and people were laughing about it and I realised that I am super defensive about dressage
I want to check out SU at some point, but reading discussions about it in a state of ignorance is pretty delightful
Harry Potter, Supernatural, Twilight etc all have predominantly white, predominantly straight (insofar as a character can remain straight in the face of fanfic) and have rabid factions in their respective communities.
I think the thing with fandom, or the way that the the internet can create fan communities active 24/7 is that when people first arrive in a place they're just happy to talk about the show, how much it means to them, etc.
The first time I saw American football (or "freedom ball") was the Prince half-time show Super Bowl, and I thought I was hooked but it turns out I mostly just liked Prince.
I read a very nice story around the last Olympics about Phelps and Lochte painting a house together, with sexy results. The house looked lovely.
It's kind of a tribute to Netflix' reluctance to cancel anything that Bojack even got a chance. There was a period where the narrative around it was "another tryhard adult antihero animation" on the back of the early reviews, which shifted to "actually this show is worth a chance, despite the reputation", and now it…
What makes it even tougher is that I think you have to watch it from the beginning to get how satisfying it is when it does bloom into something else.
Also, in case anyone hasn't seen RBW's 15-tweet Simpsons fanfic:
"There's still a lot of melancholy to be found in bettering yourself,"
God, the shenanigans! Todd getting an applause track like Kramer whenever he walks into Mr Peanutbutter (and Diane)'s House.
God, it's easy to forget, given that the two later episode 11s are like "last twenty minutes of Requiem for a Dream"-level harrowing, but "tell me I'm a good person" is such a devastating moment.
It's dressage today though! Horse-fancing fever: catch it!
That's really interesting, and feels right as a place for the story to go from here. His personal connections are all burned to the ground, the narrative arc of washed up sitcom actor back to forgotten star brought back by an unflinching memoir to legitimate movie star to presumptive Oscar nominee is all spent. We'll…
I was going to watch this again tonight but I couldn't do it, there's been a growing sense of unease on my rewatch of the season as this episode has loomed closer.
That's it, I'm fine with Bojack turning his sadness into some fine gilded thing, but less so when the show does it for him
I think the thing with Don for me is that there was still a way back to shore for him. He had a family, he had a job that he still (with increasing irregularity) showed flashes of brilliance in, and there was the sense for a while that if he just got his shit together then there was a life he could come back to.
I do agree that Todd was/is unfocused, and somehow even less motivated than Bojack, and you're right that Bojack did help improve the opera.