
That’s all very good in theory, but have you noticed how it never works in practice? How many completely new Marvel or DC characters can you name who were created in the last 20 years and who actually achieved enough popularity to headline a successful, long-running book? I can only think of one or two, and that’s if

In most instances, like Captain Marvel, Thor, Captain America (Falcon), I’d agree, but for X-23....this IS her legacy.
She was created to BE the 23rd attempt to recreate Wolverine.
Wolverine is her clone father/brother/twin, and her friend and mentor.
With Wolverine dead, adopting her

On the other hand, maybe the “brand” gets these characters the time in the spotlight that they need to make it into the mainstream. So even if X-23 has to “give up” the mantle of Wolverine, now everyone knows who she is because everyone knows who Wolverine is, and they might be more interested in following her after

Look, I have no problem with a new, more diverse set of superheroes. It’s been a long time coming.

Yes, because clearly all the hard work that went into the costume and make-up is completely invalidated because they put in a lens flare type effect. Got it.

Thank god the article linked to a before and after pic for you to see just exactly that... It’s not manipulation, depth of field isn’t some made up thing that doesn’t exist in the real world. If this is manipulation then every single photograph taken in the history of photography has also been manipulated and therefore the phrase has absolutely no meaning.

No image is identical to the reality. None. Ever. And the word “manipulation” doesn’t traditionally refer to messing with your camera settings.. that typically happens AFTER you take the photo. You’ve basically rendered the word meaningless.

I remember talking to my co-workers and discussing that I might be interested in YouTube Red, because I watch enough Youtube that an ad-free experience might be worth the money. Pretty much got told by a half-dozen people that I was dumb for not using adblocker.

I mean, I get it. I have adblocker. But I also want to

Man, I have get almost the same feeling of revulsion when I look at Pewdiepie as I do with Juggalo Joker. I’m happiest not seeing him.

I might not like his videos much, because i don’t play most of those games, but those are all valid points that he brings up in his article.

As someone who until recently dated a lawyer, I’m sad to say that plainspeak isn’t something feasible for a legal agreement. An addition or a companion piece would leave an unacceptable amount of room for interpretation. If EVERY word isn’t stated in EXACTLY the right way, a company may be vulnerable to legal action.

I’m happy to write about anything interesting going on in Mario Maker. if you catch wind of anything!

I have to go call up my 10th grade English teacher now and let him know about one more person who was made paranoid of basically all foods because of Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle. He claims that book has made some of his students go vegetarian.

Do you know what’ worse than typing bad comments?

Seriously. Let’s Play are basically free advertising.

The developers just wanted a payday, too.

It's not like we haven't heard that joke before, Zone of the Enders anyone.