
Here’s a fact: big men who play through broken toes and feet wind up fucking themselves up more. Ask Bill Walton and Kevin McHale. Here’s another fact: the universe of people who care about whether your girlfriend’s act of toughness potentially impaired the future health of her feet is a lot smaller than the universe

You sound... not fun.

30 pieces of silver

Money laundering and insider trading aside, couldn’t this be a copy and paste from the regular voicemail/text/email thread trying to set up the Wednesday afternoon game at every club in the country?

I’ve been running nerd events in Ireland for nearly 20 years including being director for both of Ireland’s biggest anime cons and to me this whole thing seems like its going to be a huge blow the con scene in Ireland. They’ve been all over the media talking about how they were the country’s first gaming con, despite

...kind of out of it out there. (Brands) said ‘Throw me.’

Is there a way to configure ones settings to opt out of video game updates on deadspin? If so, could those instructions please be posted?

One of the Republican party’s traditional strengths is to take a single person and make them outrageous to the Republican base. In particular this works well with any sort of government assistance. People’s desire for fairness, and their attraction to the salacious make the 1 in 10,000 abuser of a system be

Hamno doesn’t know what a trade union is. Excuse him.

It means that unions decrease the number of jobs in order to increase the pay for those jobs. Workers not lucky enough to get a union job are forced to compete for non-union jobs, lowering the pay for those jobs. There is no free lunch.

Trade unions are designed to control the supply of available labor in order to artificially increase wages, regardless of the actual available labor supply. This protects the few at the expense of the many.

Actually, you’re first paragraph is probably true more often than not. With an average career length of less than 3 years-most players are young enough, and don’t play long enough, for it to matter.

In theory, yes, but once an initial line is set money can start pouring in on one side and yet the line won’t move because then it can create opportunities where whoever is taking the bet can end up exposed on both sides. To use a grossly simplified example, let’s say the Patriots open as 2.5 point favorites over the

It always amuses me, as an American, to see teams in the EPL and the Championship sponsored by 888BET and the like.

Think of any aspect of major league baseball. Then think of anybody who is in the top eschelon of talent at that aspect. Then list those who aren’t trying to make as much money as they can. You wont need a very large piece of paper. also noted that there is “no mention of whether the teams in the St. John’s team’s division - the JV black league - can or cannot be co-ed, though other divisions are mentioned as strictly boys or girls teams.”

No thanks. When’s Marvel?

As a general rule, nothing makes academic historians bunch up their faces looking like you stuck a stinky sock under their nose than asking for serious thought into a counter factual.

Serious scholarly thought? Not really. Academic history doesn’t deal much in counterfactuals.

So there’s some truth to that, but it’s a bit of an oversimplification. When the Romans conquered a new region, they weren’t particularly interested in what the average person thought about it; instead, they tried to co-opt the ruling class of that area. There’s a great passage in Tacitus’ Agricola, for example, where