
But where they have to be is so important that they get to be excused for imposing on several people at a time, and for long periods of a time? That is the argument of an asshole, which once again proves that drives should get tax breaks for how many biking silhouettes they have accrued on their vehicle.

Of course this doesn't sell to anybody, because the same issue that has been described is still in effect (and one that the guy mentions in the video). In the first video where the two were battling, the lightsaber gets caught in the cross section where it would cut through the hilt. He says "we have to assume that

Not a bicyclist, but I hate bikes on the road. Maybe in huge cities with a ton of pedestrian traffic it makes sense, but 99% of the time they're more of a hindrance on the road to cars than they would be to any pedestrians. It would also help if most of them were completely arrogant morons, and I say this having to

#9 is a terrible argument. This would be great if women didn't have power fantasies about being sexy and were disgusted by muscle bound handsome men in skin tight suits and bulging groins. There is no problem with using sex to sell comic books (because it works) and it doesn't equate to treating women as just sex

Are you talking about Sandman's origins as him being changed into a sand-person, or when it was forced in that he was the one who really killed Ben Parker? Because the forced in murder was a complete trashy waste in that movie, and it should be extracted with a rusty X-acto knife

This should be "Final Fantasy VII: George Lucas Special Edition"

Reply Sigh to you.

No definition of "conservative" is "keep doing it the same way forever". That's ignorant enough in itself, but throwing assumptions of how I'm "privileged"

is especially amusing. No Conservative wants kids to starve, nor is there any reason current for anyone to be starving. If you want to just

1) Most of the life forms appear to be human. In any case, most of the characters that we follow are human, and speak what is known as "basic". We still have Chewbacca and R2 who do not, but I'm not seeing any continuity issues there...

2) Death Star may make sound for a limited area, considering it was the size of a

If that's what you think y0u've grossly misrepresented Republican ideals. They're actually the more charitable political group, there is nothing racist or poor hating about them. In the Star Trek universe energy, food, land, etc. is available in unlimited quantities, so there is no limiter on who can get what. The

I think it is a non-issue that people are confusing as an issue. The "Aren't all Stormtroopers Jango clones?" thinking became "Stormtroopers can't be black" in the eyes of those who choose to misunderstand. I'm sure there are a couple real bigots out there, but not nearly as many as there are people who want their

How is that true? The guard to prevent blades from sliding up along one another and slicing into the arm, but this would not have prevented Luke from losing his hand. Vader knocked his blade up and then sliced perpendicular to the arm, hence the even cut. No guard would have prevented that.

Even if one were to use

I count you as far more lucky than I. I didn't know of the radio dramas until I was an adult. Since I didn't have access to a TV or anything in my bedroom, I took my boombox out to our TV and held it up to the speakers to record all three of the original trilogy movies. I'd then listen to them as I was going to

I really think the movie could have been improved with the inclusion of Biggs Darklighter at the beginning of the movie. Not in the scenes that were filmed (those are clunky and distract from the story), but adding him in as "Luke's old visiting friend" who sits down to blue milk with the family ans acts as a foil to

I was also going to comment on the radio drama (I'm purchased it in tape, CD, and downloadable... I have a problem!) and I love the fact that it adds in these extra tidbits throughout. Have you ever noticed how the Vader/Leia "questioning" scene can sound like a sex scene out of context? If you haven't, you will

Though you're sort of right on a technical level... you're sort of wrong too. For me, Batman will never be a superhero. He can be a super hero, but (to me) the super implies superpower, and though the character is smart... bitten by a radioactive spider he aint.

For Elektra, I don't remember her showing off any

Here's my problem: I like the Original Trilogy. So far, it is the only period of time in the current canon of the Star Wars universe that interests me. I was excited when I heard there was to be a live action TV series just about the Rebels fighting. I LOVED the X-Wing series, and getting new characters who just

Possible Spoilers:

I read a post on Observation Deck positing Reverse Flash being Henry Allen (from the future) who goes back in time and murders his own wife. Part of the reasoning is that the actor who plays Barry Allen's father was the Flash in the previous series. NOW we hear that Amanda Pays from that same