I’m reminded of the products of this company. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turbonique
I’m reminded of the products of this company. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turbonique
$330 is roughly my weekly income after taxes. Mind you, I’m doing far better than the poor wretches who are working for Samsung building those things. God bless slave labor.
$330 is roughly my weekly income after taxes. Mind you, I’m doing far better than the poor wretches who are working…
So, you’re saying that this ISN’T a good deal?
There were also some NASA designs which looked like the Hermes as well. NPR interviewed one of the folks behind that episode some years back. The guy’s a major space geek. He’s got the hatch from a Soyuz capsule hanging in his kitchen as I recall.
USA! USA! USA! We’re number 1! We’re number 1! We’re number 1!
Let me turn you on to some crazy ideas that are totally practical in the 21st Century. The first is to look up the Crosley COBRA engine. Waaaay back in the 1950s, the Crosley car company (who also made radios and home appliances) made an engine block out of stamped sheet metal. It wasn’t a success because some of the…
I didn’t make the meme, don’t blame me for the typos.
Yeah, I’m gonna need a link to some kind of scientific paper backing that assessment up.
Yeah, I’m gonna need a link to some kind of scientific paper backing that assessment up.
Since it’s just photons hitting your eyes, yes, you do.
Since it’s just photons hitting your eyes, yes, you do.
Back in the ‘50s, Admiral, or somebody, made a TV with a light surrounding the screen “to protect your eyes.” It was snake-oil then, why is it not snake-oil now?
Back in the ‘50s, Admiral, or somebody, made a TV with a light surrounding the screen “to protect your eyes.” It was…
Hey, what do you expect for $3?
If I’d have done it, it’d would have been the most amazing thing ever. Totally yuuge, bigger than the Statue of Liberty. It’d be so big, they’d have to move the space station to avoid hitting it.
Especially if there’s a chance that the golfers could get eaten.
No, I think it would be able to eat a small child without much trouble at all.
I’d watch the shit out of some golfers getting eaten by giant rats! Otherwise, I’ll be ignoring the Olympics as usual.
I know I’m late to the party, but I saw your drawings and was instantly reminded of the 1974 Fascination concept car. Two were built, but it never went into production (since its “alternative energy engine” was a scam). You can see pics of one of the cars here: http://www.conceptcarz.com/vehicle/z9133/…