Yeah. See live on on YouTube?
Yeah. See live on on YouTube?
I'm a traditionalist that eschews buying high-priced toys for my pets.
Truthfully, if I was lodged in anyone's anus for several hours, I'd be way past losing my cool. Mad props to the leech.
Well, at least the perch didn't lodge itself in the boy's penis.
Close but no cigar, dried blood peddling guy:
Clearly this is a fraud, since to have blood, one first must have a heart.
That strikes a decent balance. Phew! Thanks!
I hope 8bit is right. If I have to type in two passes every time, I very well might throw Wirt's leg in New Tristram's town square, and wish them luck.
It's a rather over-engineered problem to provide potable water and power generators. USAID, UN, State Dep't and whatever plethera of entities could manage. And, since their mission is to do these things, they'd do it better. And cheaper, since they don't need to have an entire air carrier group or two riding shotgun,…
Hey, guys using the Battlenet Authenticator:
Evan, can you post an update to your article on whether this only affects multi-player games? There seems to be some comments suggesting so.
If they don't already have an Australian passport, Australia should give them all (itty-bitty) honorary ones.
When money is no object (or when it's frowned upon to even raise the subject), what you say makes sense.
It's not "random", it's "random walk", its own term.
Hate to tell you, that's no unholy shriek. It's their mating call informing their friends they've just impregnated their host.
Must… Not… Fall… Prey… To… Cognitive Dissonance!
Internet Geek:
This was informative, well-sourced and explained things clearly to those without a Finance background.
Although, to be fair to Giz, their article Better Ways to Spend Money Besides FB's IPO is anti-hype, since they're telling their readers to run, not walk, away from the IPO.